What We Do
Freediving, and spearfishing instruction, training, workshops and travel.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I had originally wanted something a little hipster tongue-in-cheek, with spear guns, and a mask. However I'm conscious that it should be something that won't date, and will be recognisable and print well on multiple different types of media. The majority of our clientele are spearfishers and a little unorthodox. I'm looking for something that can be used with or without the business name.
The concept behind the name Freedive145 is that when you're learning freediving the first major milestones are 100m horizontally in a pool, 40m deep, and 5minute breath hold. Standard equipment is, mask, fins, snorkel, monofin, spearguns. I also like logos which have a full diver/spearo. If someone can try something with a Thresher shark / silhouette of one, that would be amazing too.
I have uploaded my original design (which i did myself, so it's not great), so hopefully that will help you get inside my head. Happy to see designs which differ greatly from this also. I think the design I did is a little too busy.