Hi There, I opted to use Green for the car with light bulb wheels - and chose the blue for your name. Not sure if I got the colours / concept right - looking forward to more feedback Regards Emma
I love the idea of using the name for the blue and green for the rest. But against, I will sell bikes, scooters, ATV (light vehicles), but no car yet. I think a car is not too correpond the image of my company. If I put a car as logo, my future customers will think that I may be selling electric cars, which is not planned for now
Hi Tom, Thanks for the feedback... So we're needing something a bit more generic then (ps - apologies for miss reading that one!)... are you set on a symbol? or should I look at a more generic symbol... would a battery be too cheesy? Did you have something more specific in mind? any websites I could use as a reference of things you like? Regards Emma
I have nothing specific in mind. The idea of the battery may not be bad, try to get a proposition with a battery I would like to give a picture of a vehicle that is synonymous with economics and ecology
I tried to incorporate a battery - but it seems to not be my forte... so I decided to rather opt for a "steel" background - to emphasise the vehicle and masculine part of the brief! I brought in the green to address the second aspect that you're trying to address, and I felt that the green and type of font I used was very modern! On the topic of modern... I turned your wordmark into a 3D object to bring in the refined, yet playful aspect of your brief...
Overall... I think it's loud, playfull and still classy! Hope you like! Emma
So I've been doing quite a bit of work on the logo - and have come up with a few options... I'm hoping that you like this upload though... I reworked the FV (gave it a bit more of the web2.0 feel), I gave it a steel background, and I darkened the France Vel name a bit. I also wanted to show you what it a similar one looked like on a dark background... something different to a white look and feel! And I also looked at a different shading of the green... a little more subtle. Looking forward to your feedback! Emma
Not entirely sure where you want me to place my design energy... Although I'm glad that I'm getting closer to what it is you're looking for now that I'm 4th... oops... 5th!
Merci Tom... And best of luck in chosing the winner - if there is something that I can do differently prior to it closing off - please let me know! Emma