Hello, we'd like to see a revision using some updated colors using a sort of vibrant blue and a bright green. Blues #237696 , or #1693A5, or #1BB0CE and Greens #89C52A, or #1E9F15.
Don't be afraid to mix and match, and to use variations on those colors. But those are the colors we are looking for.
Only the 1st ranked designer will be able to submit more entries, please rank me on first place for some minutes in order to be able to submit new color versions, thank you.
Ok, while those are better I feel like they didn't quite finish it off. Seems like the blues and greens are sort of clashing. I like how vibrant they are, but they didn't seem to 'go' together.
Here's what we'd like to see: 1. Four colors on the cap like in #74 2. The blue from #73 – or a similar blue 3. The green from #69 – or similar green. 4. Bold 'Four' / make 'Pointers' a regular or light/thin weight font - Do you have Avenir? If you don't that's ok. But we'd like to see it once with Helvetica and once with Avenir/Frutiger/Myriad