I used a fountain from your webpage for the fountain. I watched all the videos on your site. They are so beautiful, and calming. When I buy my dream home, I will have to have a fountain in the front yard. They're simply georgous! Your feedback is always welcomed. Thank you.
It's like you have reached into our past and posted up our future. This company was owned by my wifes late husband. He had a logo very similar to what you have created. In addition to that, you have picked my favorite pattern too! This may very well be a great way to pay homage to the founder, but i'm not sure if we want to go there. Hang in there.... we love the entries!
FYI. The website needs a little updating. Its no longer Fountech, Ltd. It's just Fountech.
Thank you!
PS... last night we were really tired.... sorry for the delay on the feedback, we were sleeping :)