#29 Love the fish, although they don't need scuba equipment. #28 Love the use of the different blues, but technically fountech is spelled without the capitalized T. Will have to ponder that. #26 Seems a little plain compared to your other two.
#36 I still dont like the mask and snorkel. Love the boldness of the font and the water being thrown. Good sizing on the tagline. Maybe reposition the fish and change its colors?
#39 HA! Love the fish! I kinda envision him underneath the name making the splash of the water through the "t". The smile is a little creepy though! Can you give him a little more movement to drive the water up through the "t"?
#40 Much better without the teeth! Eliminate the side splashes from the tail and just use a few of the splashes from the center to indicate the fountain spray is coming from the "happy fish" under the company name. Also move him down a little so that he is not blocking the company name. The splash from the tail should look like it is traveling through the "t" like it actually does on a real floating fountain.
#48 Thanks for the frog! #47 The fish just wasnt working was he! Has Mr. Frog been used for anything else? Is he your unique creation? I dont want to get into this and find out he's been copied. also, i have a competitor www.aquadocinc.com that uses a frog (although theirs sucks). If we go with a frog, he has to be much different.
#48 Maybe try your own version of a duck? That would give us some separation from the competitor. A larger duck leaning on the "h"? The 'ol one arm (wing) lean?
#72 cool. I like the duck. flatten out the lettering so its a little easier to read. give mr duck a little more color so he pops. maybe a burgandy? the other guy used a violet i think.
#72 think you can work a wrench into his wing without looking too hokey? we do a lot of service work. If not, no biggie. the more this progresses the more crap i think of.
#78 Awesome! Whats at his feet? A hose? I like the wrench! Nix the hose. Move away a little now too, looks like you made him a little bigger. Dont forget the lettering!
#84 I like the subtle differences in the coloring of the duck. Are you working on flattening the color on the font? I think it would make it easier to see and stitch. I think Mogo is a bit jealous of your work!
#130 I dont know Crazy Bird. Something just isnt workin for me. I know you've given me everything I've asked for, but obviously i was/am wrong. You're the pro, how would you clean it up? Nix the duck? Take the water out of the "t"? I thought i knew what i wanted, but thankfully, logotournament came along and showed me a different path. Please put your professional spin on it and save my a**.