We like the way you have stacked the words in #15 and #16. Can you please try the same orientation with some other fonts? We would probably not want to use a candle as an icon since we discourage candle use which can lead to fires and injuries. Very creative, keep it up!
We really like the hands in #63. I know we have discourage the use of a flame but since this does not look like a person burning, a flame may be appropriate. Can you please replace the circle with a couple of different flame designs? We like the color variations using earth tones as opposed to bright colors. Maybe a deep red for the flame. Thanks
#70 Can you extend the wrist on both hands (just like in #63) and make the flame a bit less elaborate? Rounding the bottom of the logo makes it appear that there is no bottom hand. It is important that we see the two hands. We prefer the green in the word burn in #63 Also, please correct the spelling of Foundation. It needs an "i".
After further discussion, we have a few additional requests for #63 We would like to see a very simple flame in deep red which is behind the hands. Please use a wide outline of a flame with no more than two "peaks". Make sure it does not look like the hands are burning. We would also like to see the B in burn enlarged with the word Arizona over the URN. Can you also create a version where Arizona is butted directly up to the word Burn (end to end) with both words starting with an upper case letter and the two words different colors? The word Foundation would go underneath them. Please keep all submissions to only two or three colors and we prefer the green in the word "burn" in #63. Dark red and tan also work. Thanks
Thanx for your detailed feedback, i have worked upon the logo and submitting the variations, do check. I have made a semi circle outside the flame to make the logo as one entity, otherwise the hands will look as if in air...will wait for your feedback to develop it further
Can you please remove the two detail marks on the top right of the flame in #102? We think this will simplify the flame. It is important that the flame be the secondary image in the logo and the hands are primary. Also, can you remove the semi-cirlce in #102 and extend the flame down just below the hands? We think this will help make it not look like the top hand is on fire.