Well explained comment, thanks very much for this.!! Sure i will give my best on this, i like CH gives right direction clearly explained.. Many thanks again
Alright, I like it. This logo has the most color of my favorites so if you are up for it I'll take it a different direction. Try the spokes above the fort in a yellow and/or orange combination to make it look like the sun, if you think other colors work better, do it. If were going color lets see what we come up with. I don't know if the fort can change but it's lost in the design, you would have to be told it's the top of a fort. Not saying it needs to change, just give it some thought maybe just try a larger white border between the top of fort and what we are now calling the sun rays. Thanks.
Hi.. thanks very much for this comment. I will try to upgrade this layout according to your comment. Again many thanks for this well elaborated comment, it helps me a lot.
So this is really cool. It's followed the color and layout of one of our sample designs and incorporated some different features. Font it great, colors are good too but that's not big on my radar. I like the font breaking through each side of the border. the only part of the logo I want to see different is try a logo with the rays at the top modified to either narraow strips on the white background like bike spokes, they also need to fade into nothing, especially if they fade on the inside.. The fort on top of the lettering is okay, not my favorite but I can't just now think of a better way to fit in this logo. what would it look like to brig the rays out of the top of the fort, give a little break between the two and also give a little shadow to the fort, make it more of a 3D look. Great logo, thanks for submitting.
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