Made some revisions to the top 5, this will give you an opportunity to post if you have something. I will say this logo has not gotten much traction with my surveys so I do't want you to mislead you and take up your time. If you have something send it but don't create something new. Thanks for participating you have some great stuff.
i should add the icon doesn't need to be a glass of utensil, feel free to make it something else. A couple thoughts that pop into my head, a bike tire, or close the ends off with half wagon wheels, maybe nothing. I do want to see the banding solid, I think the small cracks will always be lost so might as well fill them in now. Try to add some color either in the text or just the banding. I think making the band a different color will help it to pop out. Don't change the color of the wheat or people or mountain. that is good the way you have it.
I like it. Try the text in the middle flat, remove the slight curve. change 2012 to 2017 and change the little icons at each end to a glass or utensil. keep the icon change simple and clean. I've not liked the images coming back that look like a cartoon.
I like this logo, using the wheat is cool. I really like the city silhouette you have added. The star is nice but has a little communist feel to it. Loose the star, add in horizontal text at the bottom "Restaurant and Bar" What do you think about in lieu of the star, above and separated from the mtn is a silhouette of gathered people? maybe just the waist up not clearly defined but showing people gathered.
ditto again but the wheat you have is really cool, I like the way the stalks fade into nothing, really a nice look. What do you think about the grain forming a circular border kind of chasing each other, like the yin-yang symbol but as a border? Just a thought, definitely keep the grain in your arsenal, it's good. Thanks.
I like it but it's too industrial/modern for me. Knowing the fermenter could be changed it's still not a direction to continue. Thanks though, it's a good one.
I'm mixed on this one, I like it but see it as being more for a brewery in an industrial area. I like how the lettering for Fort Street Station follows the isometric corner of the building though, cool touch. Thanks
This is a cool logo, different from what we were expecting we like it but the train does not reflect the history we are associating with. Thanks for submitting.
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I'm sorry but I just got back from a trip now.
Regards and thanks for everything
Thank you