Okay, I've been looking more and more and cannot come up with any other suggestions on what to do. I like your format but I'm going to pass on the logo. Thank you for submitting and your creativity.
Thank you for your feedback in my designs. Yes this one is people gathering in one location. I don't make swoosh people obviously or common swoosh people to avoid over used swoosh people as logos in the internet. In the center is location mark to represent station or center. It just my thought. Thank you.
So did I get it right? Is it people gathered at a table? I can't take full credit for figuring it out but if that's the case pretty cool. Does the center red arrow signify anything? It feels like one of those kids games you pull the string and the spinning arrow shows you an animal then makes a sound..... Anyway, I still like the logo. Need to think about the image, in this one it's too futuristic for our location and clientele.
I like the direction, it seems more of a tech kind of thing but I'm guessing it's supposed to be a snowflake??? Could be totally wrong. Again, I like the layout of text you have, we need to work on the picture...... I may have more comments later this evening. I like this better than the other so won't comment on that.
Looking at the logo without the bottle and glass now I see a shield instead of a fort. I like the stacked text but the fort is not grabbing me, still looks like a castle. Maybe eliminate the fort and put something relating to foot or bike traffic reflecting the "neighborhood gathering" Thanks!
I like your logo and layout. The offset Fort Street Station stacked on one side is cool and unique. I don't care for the fort itself, it's more midieval than frontier. The bottle and glass are cool too but not what I'm looking for. The banding you have created is also a neat feature. Of the three this is my favorite. Thanks for submitting.
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Thank you for your feedback in my designs. Yes this one is people gathering in one location. I don't make swoosh people obviously or common swoosh people to avoid over used swoosh people as logos in the internet. In the center is location mark to represent station or center. It just my thought. Thank you.
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