Thank you for your preference in my design! I have uploaded files lt requests and have sent at your personal email (provided at our contract) extra files.
If you are satisfied please approve files and payment.
Thank you!
Elena K.
Hello Rick,
Here are the variations you requested for the seat and the frame without the curve. When the contest ends you will get this eps file like we discussed. This is a source file. That means that you sign guy can do anything with that. He can remove things, enlarge, change colors, basically anything. I will also gove you a proof with the fonts I have used for you sign guy to add text or change locations you might need in the future etc.
Also you and I will get a contract with our personal emails. You will be able to reach at any time if your sign guy has any trouble.
So do not worry at all!
Yes I do live in Greece and you are correct about time :-)
Hope you like the new designs!
Elena K.
Elena - I didn't address the variations mentioned earlier but they will only be modifications to text size and location as well as the spokes on the wheels. I think my sign guy can do some of that but I want to make sure I have those covered. Ultimately I will use the logo in three or four applications and those all will require slight differences. Example, embroidered on clothing (needs to be simple) Our main sign which due to code issues will be in a rectangular sign about 2 feet high by 6 feet wide. Last will be on our entry doors which the space is square approximately 3 feet by 3 feet. So you can see the main logo will always be the focus but the text saying restaurant and bar or even a gathering place may need to move around. I'm assuming the text size and location will not change the actual logo. Please let me know if I'm mistaken. I'll be up early tomorrow morning and check for comments. I think If I'm up early it's mid to late afternoon for you. I looked at the designer page and I recall you are in Greece? Is that correct?
Thank you, Rick.
I talked with my sign person today and they were good with the eps file type. It doesn't mean much to me but that is okay. Let's get this finalized and make a winner! I've been thinking and looking at the bike frame and I'd like to see the tail where it comes to the small wheel loose the swoosh. Does that make sense? The traditional look for the bike should have the frame curve down to a vertical termination on the wheel. It will bring the small wheel a little tighter into the front wheel but the look should be more similar to an actual Penny Farthing. The current design is starting to look like a child's tricycle a little and I'd like to eliminate that confusion. Can you also give me a couple different seat options? The current seat looks like a baseball cap in silhouette.
I am very glad! All details have to be executed here. Its better for us as well. Logotournament rules say that the client only gets one logo but I do not see how variations can be a problem. Can you be more specific on what kind of variations you need? I understand location but size? I do not undestand that. You are getting an eps file that can be produced in any size. Does this make sense?
Thank you
Elena K.
My surveys are about complete and as I hoped and expected this logo is the favorite. If I select it as the winner do we have some time offline to work on some detail modifications or does it need to happen through logotournament? Also, as part of my final logo package can you make me multiple versions of the same logo? Some with text in different locations and sizes? What format do you provide the logos?
Logotournament is very reputable and extremely fair to its designers. We are all very careful not to break any rules. This is why I am so cautious about that. It may not be a big deal for sure. I am just trying to be respectful towards everyone. Hope you understand.
I don't recall if that was something specific I asked or someone did. Many designers already have it in their logos so I can't see how that could be using another designers ideas. I've been very careful not to do that. I'll let the logtournament folks sort that out. Since we are a restaurant and bar I can't see how adding that text is taking another's ideas. Either way, it's a minor detail.
Its true. We can not follow other designers' ideas. Was "restaurant and bar" added by other designers after your guidance? If it was another designer's idea I can not add it. Please let me know on that.
So I'm trying to send you some comments and the system keeps kicking me back asking me not to pass ideas from one designer to another. I've requested help but my original post is now gone. I'll try to get the comments to you.
sorry, a typo or two, try one or two variations with some different colors on specific features. Like the bike frame or some of the text. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Do the change on the white background with everything black. Also if you can try one or two with come accent colors that would be cool. For example, all in black except the curved bike frame in red. It might be distracting in the logo but it might also make it pop. Use your experience. Thank you!
if you do make a Penny Farthing Bike I think the front fork will look odd cutting through the logo so the bike frame should just float above the front wheel.
I posted this logo just to see if the color caught anyone's eye but I don't think it matters too much. I have gotten a lot of confusion on the tire, some see a bottle cap others a saw blade, most see a tire but I was thinking of changing it. What do you think about changing the tire back to a solid border and changing the entire look of the logo by making it a Penny Farthing Bike? The logo as it is stays the focus but there is this cool bike attached. What do you think? put the year in the back wheel and Boise, Idaho where the year is now.
Not liking this one so much, can't say why. Maybe to generic. What do you think of the same shape, layout but make the border a bike tire with simple spokes fading into the center? Just a thought, we have a lot of mountain bikers in our area.
Not sure about the Gatling gun, I like it but don't know how some of the customers would feel. The foliage on either side of the logo is confusing, not sure what it is. I like the Roman Numerals 2017, that's a cool touch.
I like the logo but am afraid the Gatling gun would turn away a few of our potential customers. The text also is busy, i think of the logo on a small note or stitched on a shirt and am afraid much would be lost. Thank you for submitting.
Comment Activity
If you are satisfied please approve files and payment.
Thank you!
Elena K.
Here are the variations you requested for the seat and the frame without the curve. When the contest ends you will get this eps file like we discussed. This is a source file. That means that you sign guy can do anything with that. He can remove things, enlarge, change colors, basically anything. I will also gove you a proof with the fonts I have used for you sign guy to add text or change locations you might need in the future etc.
Also you and I will get a contract with our personal emails. You will be able to reach at any time if your sign guy has any trouble.
So do not worry at all!
Yes I do live in Greece and you are correct about time :-)
Hope you like the new designs!
Elena K.
Thank you, Rick.
Thank you
Elena K.
Thank you.
here are the revisions requested. Hope you like them!
Elena K.
Thank you
Elena K.
Thank you
Elena K.
Thank you
Elena K.