I really like this logo, it hits me right. My survey is not liking it. It's pretty early but I want to see what happens. Either way, this is a good logo, simple and clean, it's what I like. Thank you again.
If you're want to continue let me know. I would like to see this log with a windows on each face you see. Then add the walls back in that you had in a previous logo. Any thoughts on something different than the star? I see North Star and associate guidance but many people comment on the communist star. I can see it but it's a stretch for me. maybe a criss crossed fork and knife or an old bowie knife? I don't know, the simplicity of this design is what I like so some fork or knife at the top may ruin it. I do think the walls to "thicken" the lower half will be good. Maybe at the top loose the star and bring "A Neighborhood Gathering Place" to the top and curve it like the border. Then on the bottom put restaurant and bar where the previous text was.
I do like the second border line on the top, and the shape of this one as it tapers is cool. One thought is to balance the windows maybe two per visible side or one per side.
They keep getting better. I'm looking at this one and two variations previously sent and I think the horizontal banner with Fort Street and Station (all same font) below it combined with this one might be the ticket. What about the second border ring you did previous but just on the top? I think the wheat stalks I mentioned may be too much. Good stuff, thanks.
The fort it this logo is not my taste. I like the double border and the overall layout. Moving the gathering place below is effective. What do you think about on the double border the outside like is changed to a wheat stalk so at the bottom it is the same but towards the top 3/4 way up or so it turns into a wheat stalk with the final tip of the stalk just touching the star.
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