on #220 can you make the letters ful the same color as the leaves? and then possible try a lighter color of the same color as the fork but just the ful lighter
I do like 220 and 221 quite a bit. Would you try a slightly less industrial font. One of our voters thinks the font is a bit stark. Please give it a try.
On 239 can you make the lines on the horizontal lines a little bit longer, move the vertical line to the left and move the entire "F" closer to the "orkful" I think you make have to slide it up a bit to get the bottom line of the f. I want there to be no question its really an "F"
Please stick with icon #230. Can you please take a look at the new file i uploaded Tomfork.jpeg Its your work rearranged a bit. Can you try something like that? Also, would you find a place to add the blue you originally had in your first entry. I think I'd like to keep the main colors of the restaurant the green, blue and red.
If you could also give us another choice with a clear script font.
#258 We are on final touches!!! You logo is the winner. We need to do a few minor touches.
Can we try making the circle more like a tomato? I don't think that is what we would prefer but a few people suggested it so its worth a look.
Can you balance out the leaves on the fork? Also, make the top line on the "F" a hair to the left so it sticks out just a touch. Also be sure the circle underneath is complete. I know I will use it as the icon separately as well as with the words. If you could make the tomato a little bit smaller too.
I think that's probably it. Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication to our project. Your ideas and creations are fresh and vibrant. You have the right job. Keep up the excellent work.
Hi, yes... once declared a winner, this site Logo Tournament, required us the files in EPS and JPG to upload as part of the design handover process. The files are in vector format (meaning the file will be scalable, so whether you enlarge it to whatever size, it will not become blurry. If you request for a black and white version I can also provide it for you.