#21 Don't understand the break that exists between the colors, would prefer that they would blend to show the overlap and continuous nature of the 4core process.
#94 Can we remove the word "forever" from within the center of the logo, leaving "4core"? Can we add some dimension to the four color elements that make up the circle? Can they be made to appear 3 dimensional? Can they appear to be cylindrical rather than flat? This is getting close but it needs additional depth. thx
#107 We like the words located within the respective colors on the wheel. We like the cylindrical look of the color elements that make up the wheel. Can we have the thickness of the wheel doubled in size? Can we clean up the connection between the colors so that there is a single line that separates them rather than the "v-cut" that is currently there? Can we use a font called "Nutraface" for the lettering? Can we stack the "4" on top of the "core" within the center? Thanks, this is looking great.
Hi, the contest currently in judging mode. Only the 1st ranked designer can submit designs. If you would like to see the changes, you might put my entry on first place.