Forest Lake Property Owners' Association, Inc.Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Forest Lake Property Owners' Association, Inc.

Forest Lake Property Owners' Association, Inc. has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 55 designs from 11 different designers from around the world.






Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.


Logo Designer
I'm Kib, I designed entries 1 - 8 in your contest. I did a bunch of different styles to get a better idea of what you like. If you would like to see any revisions on any of the designs, please let me know. Also, I think whoever the winning designer is in your contest will let you have ALL of the different design variations, not just the one ranked as the winner. I can't speak for everyone, but most designers on here are happy to go the extra mile getting you what you need.
10 years ago
Hi, Kib.
It's amazing to me that you [actually] captured all of my favorite design elements - from the afore-mentioned placard styling to the "framed" more traditional to the subtle color changes in what will probably end up being my favorite one -- #3. I don't know what revisions I could even request -- in thinking about the logo's use as a "banner" on our website's landing page, #3 makes the most sense. Of course, #7 would be perfect as the iconic-style letterhead image - presiding over the paper from the upper left -- or to be different, upper right - hand corner of the paper. Fortunately, I don't have a tremendous need for letterhead, other than something to print our "Rules and Regs" on every year!
This is the fun part -- I'm not so excited about building the website! Well...I am. But I'm not!

Thank you, so much, for your feedback and advice. You have a gift! I hope you enjoy what you do as much as I've enjoyed the results!

10 years ago
Hi, Kib!
As many outstanding "entries" as I have seen - and I'm flabbergasted that so many have come in over the weekend! - I still keep coming back to your design and have left it as my #1 ranked. Even today!
Now - about that....can we "tweak" it just a tad?? There are some community elements that you couldn't possibly have known and I've seen hints of them in some of the other designs. So -- our community is "forested" with primarily oaks, pines and palm trees. If you could possibly add a palm or two (subtle) I'd love to see it. Of course, I don't want to detract from the design itself, so if you can't -- please just tell me.
The other is simpler - could we keep Forest colored green and change Lake to blue? or change all of the letters to the "ohmbre" gradual transition affect from green on top down to blue on the bottom half?
I hope it's okay that I've put my proverbial toe in the water this far -- I don't want it to be like putting my proverbial foot in my mouth! haha
Thanks for your continued interest and help!
10 years ago
We're getting there!!
So....look at your new entry #36 and "gray out" the palm trees (to match the other trees in the backgroud, add their reflection in the water AND look at the lettering from your entry #3 (which is still in my top 3 faves!) and use it in this tweaked sunnyside up version!
Now I'm getting really really excited!


10 years ago
Logo Designer
#38 is #36 with the changes:
Faded palm trees w/ reflection in the lake.
Used the same font (& font colors) as in #3.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
I see the ranking has changed.... can I show you any other changes before you decide?
10 years ago

Yes! I have left it open on purpose so that I could talk to you specifically. I don't know what time zone you're in but I'm here on the east coast and it's the end of the day and I have to run to meet my next responsibility - making an early dinner for my family! So I'm going to just ask your indulgence and say I'll complete my answer later this evening and then we can chat!
I really do want to work with you!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm outside of New Orleans (central Time Zone)...
I'm always on here - So I'll keep checking back. I think the only person that can submit a change in this phase of the contest is the person in first place. Just let me know and I'll jump right on it!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi - I was just checking in :)
10 years ago
I'm going to cast my "final" decision hopefully by today's end. You're going to be "it" - but I think you told me that I can only converse with the #1 ranked designer. If that is, in fact, the reality, if I move yours to #2 for a few minutes don't despair. I actually want to purchase the second design (only one). I love so many of yours though - it's my personal favorite. The only "comment" I've heard from my fellow board members (who are not paying for any of this out of their pocket, so their comments don't really count much) is that the trees are more reminiscent of Douglas Firs found in the mountains of Maine. In Florida our pine trees are "slash pines" and not pretty - but the "to the ground" style evergreens might be more generic. I said if I wanted reality I would've taken a photo and called it a day. haha
I don't know - what do you think? I love the shading and the subtlety of your designs - the only thing I'm torn about is the trees themselves. I'm not much for the Key West-style sunset silhouette. It's pretty but not what I envisioned for the design I'm paying for. ;o)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#46 - removed the sun.
I will send you a version with a different kind of tree.
10 years ago
Aaaahhhhh! I love the yellow sun! Don't remove the yellow sun - please! yikes! you haven't done that yet, have you? are you that quick?? I know you're good! I'm sorry for being a pain....because of course NEXT I might ask you to move around the letter colors.
sorry sorry really sorry
It's been a treacherous week and a half and I couldn't even *think* about this until today. The last minute...of course! There's a reason I have that sign over my desk that says "if it wasn't for the last minute nothing would ever get done".

10 years ago
Logo Designer
No hurry - just showing you different ideas. Im looking for a picutre of a "slash pine" and will have you a design up after lunch so you can see that too.
10 years ago
you know they're not the prettiest pine trees - right? I could send you a photo of one through the roof of my garage after Hurricane Frances in 2004! haha

I like the tops of the trees in the designs now - because they're not really trees, but more of an impressionistic "squiggle". I know, I know...very artsy terminology that squiggle is. If you just brought that impressionistic tree down further to ground level, that would be great!

I'm not trying to tell you how to do what you do so well - because I just am so awestruck and so "limited" in the creative department. I have a good eye but my skillset is sorely lacking!


10 years ago
Logo Designer
#47 - some different trees.
10 years ago
Okay - we're almost there. While the "douglas fir" style trees are my personal favorite, the new trees are more similar to "florida-style" (whatever that is).
Two things - I feel like we've "lost the lake" a bit - although I do see the reflection image. I don't know what's different, it just feels that way to me. Might be an optical illusion.
Secondly - can you see the letters in Aji's design (I think I ranked it pretty close to 2 or 3)? Can we do that lettering with your design? Or something close? I don't like the thick block letters, but I really do like the gradient green down to blue lettering. Even if the words Forest Lake Property Owners' Association was in black - that's okay. The green into blue is my favorite coloring style.


10 years ago

Of course - now that I've extended this by two days you know I've decided! haha
One favor? Could you please look at the lettering on entry #42 and use that coloration and "thickness" as your guide to what I'd like to see with your design that I've ranked #1?

Now - I said one favor but I need your input on something. I don't understand how the points work for you guys - the designers. I haven't read all that far or done any research - I'd rather hear it straight from you. I get that the winner gets the points and the money. What happens to the 2nd and/or 3rd place rankings? I've ranked all of yours up high so that I could easily see and compare. Do you get more points if you're in each of the "win, place and show" categories at the end of the day? Or does another designer get points to add to their profile? I'm curious because if ranking helps another designer without detracting from the winner, I might juggle the ranking to show my appreciation of Aji (from Singapore)'s efforts. If it's better for you to take home "win, place and show", then I will rank accordingly. At the end of the day I have always kept coming back to your designs -- even beyond the top two that we've been discussing.

Do you mind that I asked? I'm sorry if I'm crossing boundaries here. I just want to know how to go about doing the right thing for you - my favorite AND the winner - and the one other designer who has been kind in their continuing interest.


10 years ago
Logo Designer
Not sure how points work never really paid much attention to it. No advantage in rankings.
Working on the changes now.
10 years ago
Great - thanks!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#55 - Latest revision
10 years ago

So....I just answered my own question. I tried to select your latest entry as the winner and it won't let me - I'm required to put 3 different designers up - to keep it interesting and encouraging. So that's what I'm going to do - but if you look right now, you're the top 3. or 4 or 7....I cannot even remember at this point! ;o)

Thanks so much for all of your assistance and effort to helping me achieve the "perfect" logo! It's been fun!

10 years ago
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