Hi there, please find my entries for your project attached. My concept uses two clasped hands which turn into angel wings holding a house containing a family. The thought behind my concept is this - the hands represent the protection, hope, care, safety, trust, reassurance that you offer to the families in trouble and at risk from loosing their homes. They become the angel wings to link in with your name. The hands are colored orange to give the logo a warmth, again adding to the help aspect you offer. There's an option using sun rays also which represent hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. The black text adds credibility to the logo - you are a company to trust, there's a small halo over the angel name also. The handwritten font for the tagline adds a personal touch to the logo - again representing the care aspect to your company. All in all these logos effectively show what you do, the show the warmth and hope you bring to families in dire straits and at risk of loosing their homes. Please let me know if you'd like any changes. Thanks. BMF
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