For the Love of CupcakesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / For the Love of Cupcakes

For the Love of Cupcakes has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 102 designs from 11 different designers from around the world.




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#35, use brighter pink for cupcake wrapper, lighter color for the crusting. love and cupcakes should be brighter as well. "For the" and "of" should be larger than "love at first bite" since "love at first bite" is the tagline but "for the" and "of" are part of the name. don't like to introduce purple in the logo. use a different color for the shadow.

#34 is very nice too. same comments apply to #34. rather not using the purple color for the wrapper or anywhere else in the logo.
11 years ago
Logo Designer

Thank you! I just noticed this in my emails....I will get back on this for you late afternoon or early evening tonight.

I appreciate your input

Have a wonderful day!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
There may be some server updates...we cannot upload designs at the moment...I have 3 revisions for you and will upload them as soon as I am able.

Thank you
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#51 on this one I increased the color fill on the cupcake wrapper and changed some of the sprinkles to the bright pink.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#52 has a few minor adjustments from my first layout as well as the icing is a little different pink and the sprinkles are different colors.

I look forward to your comments.
11 years ago
#51: the logo is a little too busy. remove all sprinkles (on the cupcake and around the name). use a lighter pink for "love" and "cupcake" somewhere in the middle between the current pink and the lightest pink.

after you make these changes, duplicate it and submit one with two different shades of light pink. so, out of the 5 hearts, 3 or in light pink, and 2 are in different light pink (randomly).
11 years ago
I forgot to mention the font. please use a nicer font for "love" and cupcakes, but keep it simple since the rest of the logo is nice and has details.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I will work on these for you and have some uploaded early evening....
Do you want a font that is more elegant like a script or still a little playful or whimsical or handscript?

Thank you for your input

11 years ago
elegant and handscript are good but nothing too busy since the rest of the design is already busy enough.

are you able to provide design quicker the next couple of days? i've noticed it takes a little longer for you compared to other designers and that will be a factor in picking the top designers for next round.

thanks so much
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I am working on this right's just the last couple of days has be unusually busy but I'm okay now.
Will be uploading within the hour.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
I've submitted for you several variations based on your suggestions.

I look forward to your next comments...I hope these give some new options and certainly can be transposed in fonts, layout and color...if the color is still not what you are happy with if you would give me RGB or CYMK %s or HEX #s again I can match them.

Sorry again for the delays, these last two days my busy days and put me into working on LT in the evenings.
Nothing other than an emergency would keep me from checking in at least a couple of times a day and uploading designs in the evenings.

For Labor Day weekend though I will check a few times but will be out most of the weekend.

Thank you again,
11 years ago
thanks, i like the new ones. can you try a few new ones with a simpler serif or san serif fonts that are modern and elegant? also remove the springs from the cupcake. the font color seems to be in purple family. see if you can make it more pink and brighter (not too bright).
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are these variations as you requested. I will check back in the morning.
If you could mark out the ones that are not your choices I can withdraw those.

Have a restful evening
11 years ago
#78 is very nice.

by the way, please match the color of "for the" and "of" with the same brown used in the cupcake when you make the other changes I requested earlier. thank you.
11 years ago
Logo Designer

I'm not real clear on this, I know you had notes on the brown but can't find them. Also which entry #s do you want to see with this changes?

I'll keep looking for your notes
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm not able to find the brown %s or # so I'm adding a different one here on #83

On #49 and #80 I'll do the same

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Just another possibility #83 ...I used a lighter brown on all the browns but it can be changed back as you need it.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#87 and #88 I did the same, if these aren't accurate if you could steer me in the right direction with RGB or CMYK %s it will help me get to the final that you like.

I need to be out for most of the afternoon and will check back this evening again, since I have other art related work outside of graphic design.
Thank you for your patience.

11 years ago
Hi Tere,

My note about the brown was to sample the brown you used for borders of the heart in #78 and use it for "for the" and "of".

After you make the brown change with #78, create a few new ones with the following fonts or in the same family:

so, please redo #78 with the new brown color (same as heart borders) and then create a few new ones with the changed brown color and the suggested fonts.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm here now and working on this for you.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I look forward to hearing your comments.
I will check back in the morning.
Have a restful evening
11 years ago
thanks for the changes. I'm still not too excited about the font for Love and Cupcake. font in #78 is still better than rest. now that you know what kind I like, could you recommend a couple of new fonts for Love and Cupcake?

1. Change the Brown for heart borders and "for the ...of" to #552e00.
2. use these two fonts for the tagline:
3. Slightly enlarge "for the... of"

thanks for you help.
11 years ago
Logo Designer

These attachments have a warning and blocked by my virus scan that they contain a malicious malware...
I can't risk allowing the upload and damage my computer....but I probably have some that are very similar to these.
Let me ressearch and see if I can find these on some of the sites I use and I'll upload them and later this afternoon send you the changes.

In the meantime if you could check on and see you like any on this site...I've never had any problems with this website and they have numerous great fonts even similar if not the same as these...

Thank you
11 years ago
Logo Designer

Here are a couple of similar fonts with a similar feel

This dark brown at smaller view looks black again since it is 67% black on that color.
do you want it on the cupcake wrapper lines also?

I will try and look at dafont again, maybe the malware has been removed from the site.

also, if you see anything on fontsquirrel let me know.

I will check back.
11 years ago
Logo Designer

I was just checking since you haven't responded.

Let me know if there is anything else you need to see.

Thank you,
11 years ago
#94 is my top pick, but still not happy with LOVE + Cupcake font. Trying to find better one online and send it to you shortly.

in case you like to suggest a few options, I'm looking for something simple, elegant, and still a little girly. but I don't want the girly part making it to busy.

also, could you duplicate #94 with the springs that you originally had in the logo?
11 years ago
Love + Cupcake fonts:

Please try these two with #94 and also 1 with the springs added to cupcake...
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you. I will upload these late this evening.

Thank you,
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi here are the changes for your logo.

I look forward to your response.
11 years ago
Love #97. Thanks for changing the font.

Can you take #97 and shift "Love and for the" to the right and move the cupcake be on top of Cupcakes? So, first line will be cupcake picture and for the love of, second line will be Cupcakes. Please make two versions, 1 with both lines aligned on right side, and 1 with no alignment.

Also, can you take #97 and somehow add a cute bite mark on the cupcake since the tagline is "love at first bite". So, it would look like someone already had a bite of this cupcake.

11 years ago
Logo Designer

Because of the free style illustration on the cupcake the bite marks directly on the cupcake will not work well and would require completely redoing the illustration in a different kind of art drawing to represent that

So instead as a possible option I added a heart as if it were biting the cupcake.
I hope these are what you envision.


11 years ago
Logo Designer

I think you may know this since I see you are a seasoned CH...but you will not be able to 'Complete' the contests unless the top 3 designs are 3 different designers. Also you may rank as many you like especially up to the top 10 since each design in the top 10 earn points that go towards ranking.

Thank you!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I sent you an email and Private Message...
Thank you for selecting my design for your business!

11 years ago
Thank you Tere. Could you send me the font used for "for the" + "of"
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Reza,

If you could approve the 2 files in your LT account we can continue via email.

Thank you!
11 years ago
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