Entry #9 is the most appealing out of your submissions. We eventually want to move away from having our full legal name (Foothills Research Institute) in the actual logo and try to solidfy a lettermark built on "fRI". I really like how you kept the lower case f.
The "hill" under neath FRI reminds me of the CGA in Canada http://www.cga-canada.org/en-ca/Pages/default.aspx I am not sure if this can be tweaked a bit. I do like that it resembles a hill but does so very subtley.
Would it be possible to do a version that has our tagline underneath fRI instead of the logo? and possibly try a grey colour for the "RI" so it reads "f - R.I." instead of "FRI".
Enrty #10 also has appealing elements but I woudl likt to see it as a lettermark instead of a comination wordmark. I woudl also liek to see something other than a circle encapsulating the lettermark.
Thank you for showing examples with just the lettermark #46 and the lettermark with the legal name #44.
On #46 can you: - flip the horizontal break so the rounded part faces up? - increase the size of research growing into practice in relation to "FRI", justify it, and change the colour to grey?
Once that is done I would like to see it in relation to the legal name. However I woudl reduce the height of the vertical grey break and also move the lettermark and the legal name a bit closer to it... it seems a bit spread out right now. _____________________________
For Entry #43, can you: - change the "research growing into practice" to grey - disconnect the "f" from the "R"... right now they are joined - increase the size of the legal name - also reduce the height of the vertical grey break and ensure the spacing is adjusted.... the legal name seems a bit to far away from the break.
When those changes are done can you also output a version showing just the lettermark?
I am afraid some of your designs are starting to look like another designers... because of that, I think the most orginal of your new concepts is #90 & #91.
I woudl work with this but tone down the use of that new green colour... it is a bit to loud.
The tagline on some of your new concepts is till very small... we run into this issue ith our existing logo when we go to have it embroidered, put on a business card, etc. I woudl be curious to see how you coudl increase this.
Your orginal concepts are still very attractive. I dont think to many tweaks are needed.
#162 Logo Title : Star Come from Foothills Logo Philosophy : Star is Mean Dream & Achievement "fRI" Horizon Stripes is Mean Strong & Power and Green Color is visualization of Hills
#163 Logo Title : Star Knowledge Logo Philosophy : Star in a R is mean Achievement Research Hexagonal shape is mean Knowledge and Research
#164 Logo title : Dream Research Star in a R is mean Achievement Research Round Shape is mean Determination and Hope and Monotone Green color Perspective is Mean Venue of University on Foothills
I think we may have something If you change the bright green to grey, remove the shadow under the circle, and move the tagline under the legal name. Also "research institute" is too close to the bottom of "Foothills"... the seperation in #184 is a bit better. When they are ready to upload put a note on here or message me directly.