I don't think that is a problem. I can always adjust proportions of the texts until they are legible enough.
I uploaded entry
#101, with a subtle change in text proportions. I can even make them a bit bolder if you want, So, "Foothills" remains in same size, and "growth & yield association" had changed to bigger sizes, bolder (just a bit) and kearning modified also.
I don't know what size you see the entries, but the size I see the logo is even smaller than letterhead size.
This is the size I see it:
http://3ef44ac2a814e81509fd-288404e13f895703cf2798bf6ae95228.r56.cf1.rackcdn.com/203651970182-223.pngYou can try putting a white sheet of paper over the logo. I think a logo for letterhead should be bigger than that, but it's still legible as is.
What do you think?