Follow the MusicLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Follow the Music

Follow the Music has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 151 designs from 31 different designers from around the world.




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Logo Designer
funky guitar, all one color for easy printing on any surface.

(This comment references Entry #47)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
ornate, grungy tatoo feel

(This comment references Entry #53)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Last concept. Thanks for taking a look.

(This comment references Entry #57)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
This is just a tweak to a previous entry. The lettering needed some adjustment, and I added two musical notes.

(This comment references Entry #63)
15 years ago
Thanks! I really like your work. My one comment is that it looks a little flamenco guitarish to me, and i want more rock and roll, folksy, which is more Austin. Is it possible to tweak just one of them so I could see how that would look? Thanks again.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback. #54 and #63 are essentially the same concept, with the closeup on the instrument filling the space. #57 has the instrument outline visible and is more of a blocky, poster feel. If you have a preference on the concepts, let me know, and I'll concentrate my tweaking in the right direction. Fun contest. Thanks.
15 years ago
On # 47, I'd like to see this more rounded looking. i am wanting to do t-shirts first and have something that really pops out. I think the square is holding me back a little. Could you address that? Thanks!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Round sounds nice for this concept. I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the feedback.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
rounded as requested.

(This comment references Entry #88)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Well, this one is, ah... a bit suggestive. You did say sexy... Anyway, just a thought.

(This comment references Entry #89)
15 years ago
#89 is cool...I really like your style, but the words are hard to read and I think the guitar looks like a woman's body...which could be cool, but not for this. Can you change to fix those things? I really appreciate it! I do want this to work on both a man and woman's shirt. Thanks.
15 years ago
oops, just saw what you wrote. I think it is cool and sexy which I like, but too feminine fo rthis.
15 years ago
Client and I have a request. Could you tweak #93 so that the I followed the Music has the lettering as in #89, and then show me what that looks like straight up and down so that if a woman was wearing it it would follow the shape of her body? (hope that all makes sense.)
15 years ago
I really like this and your providing it in color helps me to visualize what it would like like on a colored t-shirt in color. If I were to choose your logo and you provided it to me in black, would I have the option/ability to print it in just black or any color at a t-shirt printer?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
A single color design can be printed as any color -- just by switching the ink used. By selecting the ink color for the design, and the color for the background material (cloth t-shirt, ceramic mug, post card paper, etc), you get a very flexible design. In fairness, the same technique could be used for several other designs I see here. My design is very visually complex, so I like the idea of keeping it all one color to bring a simplicity back into the mix.
15 years ago
I really like your designs, but feel they would really appeal to women, and as for the main design, I think it needs to be more non-gender specific. But that being said, I could use your design in addition to the other if you would be willing to take a 2nd or 3rd place prize amount. What are your thoughts on that?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I don't know what the LogoTournament rules are on awarding additional prize amounts, but I would certainly be interested in anything you can work out with them that doesn't violate any of their rules. I think such things have been done before, but you'll have to ask. It has been a pleasure working on your contest.
15 years ago
I did inquire and you and I would have to work it out between us and down the road it looks like they might offer that as an option, but not currently. Can you give me your e-mail just in case I can't converse with you after the contest ends? I am assuming I can until I make a final decision.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, you can always reach me at It's just a placeholder site for now, but it connects directly to my email and it's easy to remember. I've worked in design for years, but I haven't freelanced in a while and I don't have my personal promotional site up and running. I'm re-entering the workforce after having a couple of kids and sitting out for a couple of years. The option to get work via the web is so much more viable now. It's a great way to get back up to speed with all the new software.
15 years ago
Hopefully we can converse this week via. this website, if not I will use your e-mail. I am in the same boat...haven't worked for a few year b/c of raising kids, and this is a business idea that I have. I just started working a regular job too and it is tough! So I know how you feel. Thanks! It's been fun.
15 years ago
Would you accept $125. for the logo? And if so, how would you send it to me? And, how much would you charge for future work?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I will sell you the logo I've already created, and If you send me a private message with your email address (not sure the one I get on LogoTournament message notification is the right one), I can probably email the design. If the eps file is too large, I can probably figure out how to set up the ftp capabilities of my website. Once I do that, I can post files of any size for you to download. I am interested in future work for you, but I would rather not discuss prices in a public forum.
Thanks so much for your interest in my designs.
15 years ago
This section is private between the two of us isn't it?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
No. Some designers have asked for private comment pages, but, as of now, it is not private. You can, however, send a private message to anyone in the contest. I think we can agree to work for you in the future, but other designers and LogoTournament staff want to be sure we don't do anything to persuade you to choose use as winners or influence the contest in any way. This is a bit tricky, so you might want to just end the contest and then do any subsequent negotiations.
15 years ago
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