Hi Hampura...thanks for your entries! Very good designs. I like the impact of #23 the most. The logo bug in #21 is interesting also. Maybe you can play with the "wings" so that they go up in an angle (slightly "V" shaped). Also, maybe find a way to make the text stand out more in that one too. THX
Hi Hampura...thanks for the new submissions. I do like the new details of the wings...but the element in the center is weaker than the entry 21. In all of the logos w/ the "wing" concept (21/33/34)...the text of "Fly1 Agency" needs to be more impactful. Whether that is by different font, or treatment...I don't know...but I feel the logo bug overpowers the name. What about Trying the wings going up, instead of down also? Thanks...
Hampura - excellent work with #41 and #42. On #41, can you extend the widest part of the wings to align with the edge of the text? You may have to play w/ scale and angle of the wings - but it may look good. What do you think?
I like the bold impact of #42 as well. However; I feel it needs something, I don't know what, to tie the wings in w/ the text better. Overall though - these are great, thank you!
Another thing to try on #41 is something different in the center of the wings (like a simple "code of arms" or "shield" concept). We just want to make sure the logo doesn't look too similar to Bentley or Hyundai Genesis logos, since we do a lot of business in automotive. Thanks..
Thanks for your new entries. I like the solid color entry in #44. Maybe you can try using a slightly darker shade of red (it seems like the gradient version is darker, and looks better).
After reviewing this concept (#44) with a few people, we want to see some different options for the design in the middle of the wings. The current "target" design w/ the "1" is okay, but maybe you can create something stronger. Here are some ideas:
2. Coat of Arms - maybe a simple shield concept in the center of the wings would work well. If you go to Google Images, and type in "simple coat of arms"...you will see what I'm talking about. Here's a link to one that seemed interesting to me...but there are no limits here...whatever looks best:
updated with coat of arms and the letter "F1A" in entries #51 #52 #53 #54 #55 #56 #57 #58 hope you love it :) if there any request again, please let me know
Thanks for your continued refinements. #58 is getting close to what we like the best. That said, I wanted to request some additional options, based on #58:
1. We like the font under #58 because when the logo is scaled down, the text is still very legible. At 100% size, though, I feel it may be too big...or fighting w/ the logo bug for importance. Can you give a few options w/ the the text scaled down...or maybe even moved lower (if you think that helps?). I am simply referring to the text in comparison to the wings.
2. We like the script font in between the wings...but can you remove the small "1" so the "F" and "A" are more prominent/clear? At normal scale, you cannot decipher that it is a "1"...so it just adds cluttered feel.
3. Can you give us some single color options of this logo as well (black on white, white on black, black on red, red on black, grey on red, grey on black, white on red)
4. We still like #42; but would like to see somehow tying in the text block in the center with the wings. We like this logo because it is bold and makes an impact...but something is missing that really makes this logo feel cohesive. The wings and the center block feel like two unconnected elements. Maybe you can do something to make this logo feel like a powerful unit?
hi theflyest1.. please check my latest logo.. if there any request again..please let me know.. dont worried, if i was selected to be the winner, I will send the logo with the single color as your requested
Thanks for the revisions. Can you show me an option where the text size under the wings is bigger than #82 but smaller than #74? I think we are getting close to final design ;)
Hi Hampura...thanks for #93. We like this proportion of font size to wings/shield the best.
Few more requests:
1. We would like to see if there is maybe another cool font that would work well inside the center where we could have "F1A". With the "old English" font, the "1" was distracting...but maybe there is an option where it would be strong, and allow us to have "F1A" instead of "FA"?
2. Thanks for all the color options...but can you use your creativity and show us some options w/ the wings/shield/text using teal, blue, gold, green, etc. We just want to get an idea if there are other color combinations that may work stronger/bolder/impactful than black/red.
Can you adjust #94 and #99 so that the "F1A" does not go all the way to the edge of the shield? I don't like #104 (which is all inside the shield), but wondering if these other fonts work. Thanks...