I like the color scheme I think it pops, but unfortunately I just noticed that these colors and actually the whole set up of this logo is very very similar to a large local competitor in my area. can you work on another for me? I like the emblem of the #1 logo because it's not abstract, it's to the point, but it looks nice and would be easy to brand. I'm looking for something more along those lines. Before I noticed the similarities with the other contractor, I was going to ask you to take out the FM and add a picture of some sort, and the picture doesn't need to make letters. I don't really dig that.
you can see the logo that this resembles at www.dippleplumbing.com
could we try a different color (turquoise) and lose the Big FM b/c i'm afraid the public will see it as fm plumbing instead of flowmasters and will be unable to put 2 and 2 together.
What about a square above the flow masters with a white silouhette of a shower head or something like that.
I like #24 without the fade. I like the simplicity of it yet the colors are very attractive and it would be very loud in an ad or on a van without being obnoxious. It also gives the impression that we are not only service and repair but bath remodelers as well, being that I'm a GC and currently do remodel work for my current company. I think we're on to something. That why you're 8 of 2973!
would it be possible to add some water droplets to the flow masters? I'm curious if that would give an added affect. Not too crazy with it, just a few I suppose?
no, it's too much. I like it simple don't you. I was actually thinking of clearer beads not droplets i guess. more like dew drops almost as if the letters had just finished a steamy hot shower.
I agree better without...but we had to see what it what it would look it. and I am ll for trying out new ideas...so if you have any other ideas I'll try to incorporate
You've mentioned that your target audience is more female in general sense, which is why I chose the large water fall shower head design. The colors are soothing and inviting without being overly feminine as to drive away the male demographic.
The Design is easily adapted to silk screen and embroidering to vehicle e applications
If you do select one of my submissions as the wining entry could you please assign the remaining 3 postions Silver, Bronze and 4th to a different designer. The reason I am requesting this is we as designer put a lot of time into creating a design which we hope will be the design of choice. you as a CH acknowledge that fact by awarding the designs accordingly.
Ideally this is how it is suppose to work but there are many designers who will not bother to keep things on a level playing field....by hogging all the top positions with the same design..it's unfair to every other designer.
i'm liking the 2nd combo but with the turquoise and navy but is there a stronger turquoise that you can use? and let that again be the most dominant color? I'm not as keen on the blue. I think it's too boring.
when cmyk are printed they will be more vibrant that on screen...this is the problem designing using computers...display use RGB and I work in CYMK..NO designer should ever give you files that are RGB...unless they are developing a website
....I do have the expertise and know that your colours will be spot on when printed.
Calibration is another important facet to viewing design work...if you placed your monitor next to mine there is no doubt that your display will should the colours different than my calibrated display.