Good work so far 8 is ranked one so far good ideas love the crest of a wave good image could you change colours around maybe let's see what else comes in
Good work 9 now ranks first my thoughts are two fold first can we incorporate our motto "Pride&Honor" and second can we add to the wave both of these may spoil your work but please try Thankyou
Absolutely no problemo:), please check the updates: #15 #16 #17 #18 If you have any other request..even the simplest one...just let me know..i'll be gladly revise them to get the best result
yes look at also another competition all in the same group company and venues can you or a colleague help with web or brand development I have 10 current projects
Great can we just tidy it up put back lines in soccer ball where pride honor removed you get first place but is it a pain to work with some other colors ie black wording etc