Florida Drone SupplyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Florida Drone Supply

Florida Drone Supply has selected their winning logo design.

For $675 they received 647 designs from 70 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
We sell drones and drone stuff online
Color Preferences
Black, Blue, Orange, Green, Silver (some or all as a starting idea - green only as an accent color)
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The attached document is from a prior logo contest for a different business, but because it is a similiar business in the same industry, I thought I would provide some of our favorite concepts. We like to portray the idea of flight, we like using lighter and thinner fonts (but not against any other ideas), we want to make the word Florida be LESS prominent and have more attention to the words Drone Supply.
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Its great to see the ideas coming in so quickly from everyone. One thing I would like to mention is that our name is less about the fact that we are in Florida and more about the fact that we are a drone supplier. I would like to see the ideas have less focus on Florida and more focus on Drone Supply. Thanks for the fast start. We intend to do the first ranking Saturday morning (Eastern USA time).
8 years ago
Thanks everyone for all the ideas so far. We have ranked some of our initial favorite concepts for you. We are still considering others. While we really do not want to push too much in one specific direction yet, some of the things we liked about the ones we ranked are the ways to use different fonts (sizes and / or colors) to make Florida less of the focus and Drone Supply more of the focus. We also like the different placements of the objects around the text and a couple instances of a curved line.

One challenge is that so many companies that fly drones use an image of a drone that has 4 propellors (or more) and while we will be selling those types of drones we will also be selling many other types - including ones that look more like airplanes or airplane wings. A way to portray flying or flight without the typical 4 propellor drone would be a very interesting concept for us.

Please keep the ideas coming and we will be updating ranks and providing feedback continually throughout the day.
8 years ago
Hello again everyone. As always, thank you for all the great ideas. We think things are progressing at a nice pace and wanted to offer this insight to the designers. In a prior logo design contest, we had many favorites and struggled to pick the winner because we liked things about so many of them. The business was flying drones for photography and videos so cameras and flight were important for that one. I am attaching a PDF of our top choices for you to review. The same group is selecting this logo that selected the last one - maybe it will help you get a feeling for things we prefer. I do not want to suggest that we want a similiar logo for the new company, but wanted to share things we liked from our last contest. Thanks!
8 years ago
Thanks for all the good ideas today. It is 10pm our time and we will be reviewing and re-ranking all the designs again tomorrow morning. We look forward to any new ideas that arrive and will provide as much feedback as possible for everyone tomorrow. Thanks!
8 years ago
Good morning everyone. We are re-ranking and sending feedback to as many people as possible this morning. Interestingly, we are liking the use of some extra color in the logo. Using some orange has had a good effect on some of the ideas. Also, we have really liked the ideas that have included some type of paper airplane look (see attached document for logo ideas for a related business we had done here). Should have lots of feedback and ranking adjustments throughout the day for everyone. Thanks!
8 years ago
Thank you all for your ideas. We've had a great day! One think I would like to stress is that "Florida" is secondary to "Drone Supply" in our vision. We also prefer sans serif fonts.
8 years ago
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