Hi, I like your #8 and #35. Although I am not quite sure what heappens with the "M" in 35, it looks a bit like a drill. And I am not in the drilling industry.... #16 has a nice Ï", as a person.... but I do not like the typeface.#36 and 9 are far too busy for me, too much happening.
As you can see we placed your #8 really high in our rankings. Can we see how it looks like on a white background? I would prefer a strong logo, almost masculine. I think that rules out the light blue color...
Don't no why but I have not discussed #40 with you. And that's a logo a really like! I am not sure about the colours though, they are a bit on the soft side.... perheps a darker blue? Or two different blue's? You're the boss!
I'm not too worried about the colors, but it can make a big difference... The thing with blue or black is that it's corporate, and that's not a bad thing. On the other hand, creativity is my job, maybe we should add a little creativity with color... leave the black and blue and switch to.... uhmmm.... what do you think?
I just meant that when we get a design we like, finding the right color is just a matter of exploring of some combinations to compare.
not sure about #62. It can be better but I don't know if you feel that interested in the idea. I wanted to make the M evolve into the flexible stretchy cord. I can work on it some more if you want.
I'll try some exploring of colors on #53. I thinks also we can introduce other colors as accents. Not all the color for your brand has to be in the logo. The right background color and surrounding text elements also can compliment the logo.
Right now its kind of out of context in terms of being on a website or business card which has more stuff on it.
Dasx! I like the color experiments, although the orange i with the green dot looks to much like a carrot in my opinion. I like the small rocket as well, but I think it will be beter if it looks more like a rocket form a comic book. http://pawnstarsthegame.wikia.com/wiki/File:Rocket_(1).png, something like that.
These two I like the most...
And yes, I do have a tagline: "casting en coaching van topcreatieven" No need to translate that one, I guess...
Somehow, I stick with 53 and 57. I do like the rocket.. but maybe a bit too playful for my business.... Hope I'm not asking too much, but how about adding more persons behind the one we already have? It stands for the network of creative people we are.
Can you add the tagline as well?
Colors may be daring, to emphasise the creative aspect of our work. I know that you told me not to worrie about it, but I think it helps me to see it in the possible final colors.
I thougt of a rather large group of "puppets", like we have in #53. The same puppet repeated several times, forming a group behind the already existing one. Maybe a bit shady, not 100% but fading...
Hi vincentmb, i'm jus logging in. Honestly at first thought, puppets I find to be not flattering to the talent you will represent. I could be one of them :)
I'm guessing that you feel this needs to be more creative and clever yet still simple. I will put my thinking cap on today and see what ideas I can put out for you.
No, I did not mean puppets, I was just trying to describe the figure you made as the I in Firm. Si you could repeait this figure say, 20 times, so they form a group ( half a circle) behind the already existing figure.
Excuse me for trying to take place in the designersseat! :-)
Good morning, I have not seen this firm. Its an insurance company so its not a competing company, I don't think that its a problem and it looks different anyway. It comes down to your comfort level I guess.
Do you want to try something else? Adding a lot more people make it very busy an feels forced. I didn't like it.
No tnx, I don't have to try something else, let's stick to #53, with the tagline linke in #72, and maybe some colorexercises? Then we should make our final decision.
Hi sorry for the delay, I have been dodging huricanes :).
Do you have any colors that you like. Anything in #92, #93, #70 colors that you don't like. I can try some of the more unususal combination like beige and grey.
I wrote: Ik like all colors but maybe not the green... not the light green. Daring combinations sound fine, although one color is still also a possibility, curious to se what you come up with.
Hi again, I have posted some color combos. we can do combos of 2 color like #57 where the i is highlighted as a different color as well. I decided to try some combos that are not hot and too bright. The logo is simple and strong, I don't know if it needs to scream at you to be noticed again.
I can do a lot of these but honestly i am guessing because color can be so subjective. Can we try to narrow down to colors that you like? any thoughts?
Hi Dasx, I like 57 and 114... can't really decide! I'm even thing of using one logo with different colors. Might be a combo, might be one color with a different color in the i. What are your thoughts on that? And why should a logo always be in the same color?
#114 is a daring combination, like that very much. #57 is strong and severe, to be taken serious.
Guess I have to sleep on it, but I'm still curious to know which one is your favotite.
I was thinking also that may not be a bad idea once we have the colors to switch them up on different pieces of printed material. A subliminal "FLEX" :)
I'm not sure what went wrong... but I only received three JPEG's.... Maybe something went wrong with the rather confusing Logotournamentsite.... can you email the files to my email vincent@flexfirm.nl?