I like the font and color scheme a lot / I know what you are going for with the "f" - not sure it quite works for me. Appreciate adding the tagline - will have to think if that's the way to go or not. Enjoying what you bring to this
Based in your brief and actual logo i have thought you it would be great finding the way of using specifically letter "F" as a person giving the first step for 2 reasons:
• Most Logos as wordmark base their effectiveness when the first lettering is used affirming the message or meaning.
• If legible letter "F" is accomplished at same time as a human figure then it will be enough to remind us human resources is the main element to work with.
I will try to develop another concept for you, honestly i can tell you i really amazed me how suddenly in my mind this idea came first, i think this second version got better, thanks for your feedback, regards.
Agree - do like second version and it is growing on me. Can we see it with tag line reading "changing peoples lives" (no capital letters) to compare to what's there now? Anything else you can do with the "F"?
I like the font in #19 more than the one in #7 - anything else that shows strength font wise - either classic or more modern - thanks for all the work you are doing here
I have been doing some alternative ideas at sketching level and i'm evaluating which concepts might be useful, comprehensive and different from my first approach, will have results soon.
Thanks - you certainly have some high ranking submissions. I think what throws me off a little about the "F" is that the lower left portion of the "F" looks too long - maybe like the foot is going the wrong way. Its clearly a person taking a step forward and I really like that part - it just takes a second to see that
By the contrary thanks to you and your feedback, i did some changes with the letter "F" proportions to make a better look with the person taking the step without losing the legibility, i hope #47 entry looks better.
could we also see #46 and #47 in maybe a burgandy color / maybe some blue tones as well - these are earthy and nice - maybe something that "pops" a little - thanks
Entry #61 - depending on the time you look at it - sometimes it looks like the "person" is running away LOL - maybe just make the bottom of the "F" straight might work
We are now leaning towards a more simplistic looking logo - what if you took something like #81 and just dropped trying to make the "F" look like a person or anything that just a letter. We like the "swoosh" and tag line - maybe try to brighten up the colors (maybe even two colors like current first choice) - also could you do in B&W as well - someone suggested we would want to see what that looks like for those times we cannot print in color
Entries #113 and #114 basically play with letters "t" and "S" with negative space together combined let us see an abstract foot, other more abstract options, please let me know your thoughts, i can explore more.
The basic difference between those entries is just in the middle of the wording with letter "t" and "S" that make subtle with negative space a foot shape between letters, something similar to entry #11, more color options based on #112 coming up, thanks.
Thanks - loving #112 --- might just stick with that one --- as I understand it, we can get different sizes (letterhead, envelopes, business cards and website will all need something) as well as B&W and a few different file formats??
Even though I did one before, I am still pretty new to this - thanks again!
All color variations and file formats for different purposes will be send via email after the contest ends, and the basic winning version will be sent normally through LT system, this procedure is transparent and cleared by rules, i have everything ready, regards.
A co-worker wanted me to share her thoughts and this article she found - is leaning towards simple and elegant - read below if you would (as I said I am bad with colors)
Well when it comes to color combinations it might get apparently a little difficult and messy and hard to decide which are the correct ones to use, from my experience from more than 15 years in the graphic industry i can suggest the following information based in your brief:
• COLORS OUT OF THE QUESTION for your logo: cyan, yellow, gold, pink, red, silver, orange and green.
• COLOR MORE SUITABLE for your logo: maroon, teal, navy blue, gray, burgundy, cranberry, beige, peach, tan, browns as clay, terracotta and pottery colors, turquoise, indigo and magenta.
• Reds tend to increase blood pressure and heart rate and stimulate activity, but if we use a darker version of red well known as maroon or burgundy then we are sending a different message, it denotes controlled and more thoughtful actions, in the other hand blue does just the opposite. That's why we think of it as calming.
Sometimes choosing a color for a logo is a very personal decision but in some cases personal taste have to stay aside depending the main concept to communicate, in this particular case of yours i can be sure these next links will confirm my thoughts about which colors are the most convenient to represent your organization or business:
IN FAVOR please read each and you will find direct relation with your organization.
Black color is basically used for economy or cases when there's no technical way to reproduce the logo with full color for example when we publish an add at any newspaper, now the best option for any logo to avoid many difficulties for reproduction is the use of 2 different colors at the most.
Then when we finally decide the definitive color combo, we as designers can suggest the use of Pantone colors when the client really care about reproducing the logo with color accurate precision consistent color and budget can handle this color system, also we can manage a CYMK alternative color versions as more economic option with very good results, results that we see daily with most printed material.
Now this is important to clarify the actual logo ranked in the first place #112 have a gradient that is actually done with one single blue-teal-dark color with a 70% to 15% from max to minimum, this version won't represent any problem for reproduction because it will be technically only the use of 2 colors, other versions can be used without the use of any gradient even a grayscale version can be available, i hope this information help you ti take the best decision, if you have any other thought or idea to share would be great.
I Think this might be the last thing then - can we see #112 in blue tones only (not navy as that gets too dark) but maybe something that is rich and professional looking without being too dull? THANKS
Blue tones nothing dull as the blue tones used done, just 5 more versions to make it less difficult to decide, don't hesitate asking if subtle adjustments are needed in any new entry please let me know, :)