I like #12! Although I really like #11 too, but I feel like it looks more like graffiti art. I do like the white text lined with blue though. It might just be the font that I'm uneasy about.
Wondering if we could possibly add some kind of subtle graphic to #12 to spice it up a bit?
Thanks so much! Just had a meeting with my colleagues and the consensus was that we are looking for something a tad more simplistic! We decided to scrap the "FME" design as it's not how we want to be branded (but your logos look great!). What was discussed at our meeting was just having a simple "first mobile"on top with "education" at the bottom and just having subtle touches that show technology and canada.. in greens/greys or possibly light blues. Thanks again for your hard work!
Those are great! Discussed with colleagues and wondering if we could remove the circle around it and perhaps make the leaf a bit smaller? Is there any way to perhaps have half a leaf?
I'm still liking #155! I think left side looks better than the right? I am wondering though what it would look like with "first mobile" in lower case font... maybe even have education in lower case too.
#163! love it. colleagues have shared some ideas and would like to see one logo with a lighter blue maple leaf and keep the green "mobile" and another logo with a green maple leaf and lighter blue "mobile"
I think #165 is the favourite of your designs! Would it be possible to bold "education" a little bit more to make it more visible? Would also like to see it with a black black ground!
Hello! Thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately your contest is now in JUDGING MODE. During JUDGING MODE only the 1st rank designer can submit new entries. In order for me to submit my new entries you need to put me on 1st rank temporarily, after I submitted my entries you can just re-rank then, Hope this helps.
Your new updates look awesome! I have been asked to see if you could possibly make two revisions to #188: 1. change the little green square to black 2. keep the little green square, but put it on one of the other 2 squares
Hi Lloyd, thanks for the new revisions! Just again spoke to our art director:
#195 - great! Thanks. Could we have the blue text changed to the green? #191 - also change the blue text to green? And keep the half-leaf graphic but remove the squares?
awesome! they look great. one last thing (for now!) #199 - is it possible to reduce the size of the leaf stem or remove it completely and just make the graphic a little bit bigger so that it lines up with the text?
I think it's safe to say that my colleagues really like #199.
Are you using the same colour ink for "first" and "education" - i.e. are they shades of the same colour? or two separate colours? does that make sense at all? let me know if i'm not clear
Hello, thank you for the feedback. Glad they like that design. Regarding the colors, the "FIRST" is darker than the "EDUCATION" but I can make them the same if you want, please let me know.