Fireworks of IndianaLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Fireworks of Indiana

Fireworks of Indiana has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 125 designs from 17 different designers from around the world.


























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Logo Designer

So here's the first revision you mentioned and a couple variation on it.

#91 - Proud to be Loud is under the burst.
#92 - It's under the det cord
#106 - The burst is bigger in proportion to
#94 - same as #93 but I put the spray over the big "I" in Indiana.

Working on the second idea...

Thank you,
14 years ago
Logo Designer

For the second idea, I wasn't sure of how aerial bombs exploding out left should be.
This one just has 3 bombs to the left of the name with the small stars exploding.
I'm working on another that uses the bigger stars actually moving to the left of the explosion, which is all to the left of the name.

Thank you,

(This comment references Entry #95)
14 years ago
Logo Designer

Here's the other with the bigger blue stars shooting out to the left.

Thank you,

( This comment references Entry #104 )
14 years ago
Logo Designer
This is the last layout on black for you to see, with the letters changed to gold as the red and blue didn't really stand out.
Thank you,

(This comment references Entry #98)
14 years ago
Logo Designer

Sorry for the couple withdraws and reloads, caught a star off center.

Thank you,
14 years ago
Logo Designer

I wanted to do one more of the stars shooting to the left with less sparkles and the blue stars without a silver border around them.
Just a different look.

Thank you,

(This comment references Entry #105)
14 years ago
#1 Blue stars ( #49) cause it will work ag white/black tho the proud to be loud has to be bigger ( need to be able to read it.
#2 Solves web site issue ( hopefully) #91
#3 #4 our fav's for biz cards #58,63 ranked lower cause cant be used on website due to dark background
#5 T shirts?? #53
#6 Bag header #83
#7- Proud still not readable no contrasting colors on words missing fuse #69
#8 Red glow placement issue #98
#9 Proud to be is still too small #106
#10- missing fuse, words fireworks indiana same color #84
#11 missing fuse #85
#12 Balance and color issue we like the stars on the left rather than right #88
#13 too monocromatic #67
#14 #16 Ok just not favs
#15- missing red glow #35 would have ranked it higher but...
#18- liked it best but missing across top of circle #26

I guess the next step is how do you typically format the drawing/s ?


Please just adjust where indicated and we can call it a wrap. Congrats!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Marilyn,

Thank you very much, again.

I think I got all of the revisions where you asked to adjust or add something.

#49 - I made proud bigger in #107 and then bigger and bolder in #115.

#69 - I made proud bigger, added the fuse and made the words different colors in #108

#98 - I changed the positions of the red glows so they are more balanced in #109.

#106 - I made proud bigger in #110

#84 - I added the fuse and changed the word colors in #111

#85 - I added the fuse in #112

#35 - I added the red glow in #113

#26 - I added the website across the top of the circle in #114

To answer your formatting question, when the contest closes we upload the winning design in 2 formats here: EPS and a 1000 by 800 pixel JPEG.
EPS is the industry standard and the JPEG is so you can see a nice big picture of it.
In some of my previous contests, the contest holder requested other formats as well. I think I speak for most people here in saying we have no problem sending those. In the last contest I won, I gave the contest holder a few different sized Jpeg images and some Photoshop files, for example.
I would just need your email address to send those, and you could give that to me by sending a Private Message here instead of posting it in public in this comments section.

Thanks again for all of the feedback you've given.
It really helped me figure out what you liked when there are so many directions you can go in as a designer.

It's funny, I thought the same about #58 when I was making it...that it would look really sharp on a black business card.

Take care,
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Marilyn,

I was just wondering if I missed any that you had wanted me to try a different look on.

Take care,
14 years ago
I am waiting for to tell me if our first pick translates to the web.
IF...What he wants to use( which may be our 2nd choice) then we will have to work out something
off site after the contest is over. Or we reverse our choice, give the web team their choice and you
and I can figure out how we can have use of our other top picks when the contest is closed.
Of course I want to work with you in the future if time/funds allow to do store projects- product headers,product line etc.That is your call if you are interested and of course we will give you credit and pay for your work.
Marilyn OConnor
Fireworks of Indiana
718 Joliet Dyer,IN 46311
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Marilyn,

Thanks a lot for the info, I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed one of the things you noted.
I wanted to make sure, too, that you knew that you can request whoever wins to upload ones with different background colors as you might need them for different places. Any of the others can be requested through PM (private message) or email.

I had one more that I had been tinkering with that I thought I'd show you, too..

Take care,

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Marilyn,

I was just reading through all the comments making sure I didn't leave any stones unturned.
Thank you very much for the compliments and in regards to your last message, I would love to draw more fireworks for you someday if the opportunity arises.
I really enjoy it, as you could probably tell. Perhaps it's all those memories of a kid who couldn't wait for the 4th.
You can send me your email address sometime and I'll write you back so you have mine or I can just drop a note to the address you gave me above.

Thanks again, and this has been a lot of fun!

Take care,
14 years ago
Dear Tim,
I have to ask you the following:
What do we do if we have a tie situation? Tom and I both like #115 and the web design team wants to go with #91 ( which we also like just not as much) Design team also like your # 111 and #114.
Tom and I also could see using #58,63,53,67 at some future point.

and to put more "shit" in the game they would like you to take your #91 concept or your #111 and go bid on
our other site Boom Town and create the same motif.
Starburst to the left Boom Town ( in cobalt or navy blue) and the Fireworks in red with the ,com
at the end.
rather than proud to be loud slogan.
run the fuse like before to the .com
"Everything from boom to zoom" can be under the fuse line.
I do not think that saying/slogan could wrap the star burst!

If you rather not leap into the fray at the last min or if logotournament rules preclude your copying the same idea even if for the same owner than we can work this latest matter out later.
You tell me how you want this handled.
I can select something doable from whats up there to use but it will not be the logo piece.
Since I own both companies, I dont have a problem with the consistency issue being followed thruout
both entities.


Please do nothing more with fireworks of indiana. It is a wrap here if you can explain how I can deal with all the variations that need to be in jpeg format asap.
thanks again
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Marilyn,

There's no trouble at all with getting you my other designs, and it's not uncommon for Contest Holders to want some designs in addition to the winning one for different uses. In the last contest I won, the holder ended up asking for 4 of the layouts I did in addition to the one that won. He even asked me to do some icons for him. It was no problem, as I think it isn't with most designers here. JPegs are no trouble at all as well.

Can you send me a Private Message or your email address?
Before the contest closes, we can't send the contest holder a PM unless they send us one first.
We're certainly allowed to discuss my other designs that you would like in a PM or email.
For privacy, I just would prefer not to discuss the details in this comment page.

As far as the boomtown contest, I believe it is against the rules here to submit the same logo (the name difference doesn't count I'm afraid) to more than one contest. They would be removed, but I also believe that rule is there because you can't have two different contest holders owning the copyright on the same logo. Of course, in this situation it's the same person, you, so I'm scratching my head on this one a bit.
I'll send support an email and see what they have to say.

Thanks again, and talk to you soon,
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Marilyn,

I just wanted to let you know that I withdrew #120 (that different, last entry from yesterday) because I thought I would modify it and give it a try in the boomtown contest.
I won't touch any of the others of course.

Take care,
14 years ago
We really like all your work,,,, I have narrowed it down to our top 14 favorites of all the drawings done.
This is a one man show!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you very much!
I'm really glad you like them,

Just wanted to let you know there is a rule that when you are ready to close the contest you have to give the second and third place trophy to different designers. The same person can't get the gold with the win and also get the silver and bronze. It has to do with a points system for ranking among designers.
Beyond that, you can rank whichever ones you'd like in 4th, 5th, etc..

Thanks again,
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Marilyn,

Just wanted to touch base and let you know I hadn't heard anything back yet on the question about using the same star design in your other contest.
So, to avoid any problems, I'll just try other ideas I had and keep them different there.
Regardless of how that contest goes and whomever the winner is, I wanted you to know that as we said earlier I'm more than happy to help you after if you want to use this logo with your other company.
It's simply just changing the name, and is no trouble at all.

I'm going to keep working on boomtown though as it's just fun stuff.

Take care,

14 years ago
Dear Tim
We love all your work!
#115 is our favorite but the design team is going to want to use #91 mostly likely or possibly # 53 on the web.
The deadline is today. So I guess which is the official winner of the three can be sorted out in the 7 day window once the contest is over or do you have another suggestion when we have a 3 way tie and it is all your work. I am not going to be able to find the design team on the weekend.
So should I rank #91 first and #115 second since their needs come before our preferences?
thanks for the great job!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Marilyn,
Thank you very much.

You can rank either of those in first as I'm going to give you both anyway.
I couldn't say that earlier, but now that you've said it's a wrap I can.
The gold medal winner will be the file you'll get from LogoTournament as the official contest winner.
I'll send the other ones to you via email at the same time so you'll be all set.
I'll just need your email address :-)

If it doesn't really matter to you which one gets the gold medal hung on it, I'd prefer #115 to sit in my "trophy" case.

Once you assign the gold medal, the winner will then have the ability to upload the files to you.
You'll need to rank 2 other designer's entries in second and third place at that point as well.

So, if you give #115 the gold, then #91 would be in forth place after the other two designers in second and third. But, like I said, it really doesn't matter. I'll get them both to you at the same time.

Thanks again,

14 years ago
Tim- 1:30am thoughts......
I am going to be asking in the next few days for something a bit unusual here.
I have awarded you #1,2,3 at fireworks of indiana We love a number of your top ranked drafts.
At my daughter's request( the girl took 5 years of marketing)
I will be asking you to take your entry on that site and also work just #91 for boomtown
as well but with a further caveat.
I would like you to work with alina kafoury at ace graphics with our #1 selection at the BTF site
which is #146 and make them both interchangeable.
Reason : Branding the two sites in the consumer public's mind.
so I would have two interchangeable logos- the cherry bomb and the star burst as well as interchangeable text copy.
Alina would give me a cherry bomb with boom town her way and a cherry bomb with your right side
graphics saying with the fuse running to the .com part.

conversely we would end up with a cherrybomb rather than the star pattern and the name

In other words my daughter thinks the cherry bomb should have logically ended up with
and the starburst with boomtown fireworks + fuse.
so since there is no time left to get it right.... it will have to be done after the awards are given.

I hope this makes sense. Alina doesnt know this yet. I will email her this idea. Hopefully she is on board to help. She has nice things to say about you and says she has worked with you before.
It's so late here. I hope this makes sense.
If this is a not doable, we can live with the fact that we can't transfer text/logo's between artists/entities.

Thanks for all the effort,

Understand you have the stars done to perfection and the text copy to perfection
she has the cherry bomb just right. Hopefully I have not hit a sensitive artistic nerve here
with this interchangeable branding concept.

14 years ago
Dear Tim,
Kudo's! Congrats!
Please do not take offense at my marketing guru daughter's request to cross brand
both boom town and fireworks of indiana.
need some sleep... this was so emotionally exhausting
not at FOI but at BTF.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, Marilyn.
No offense taken at all, it sounds like a good idea.
Once the two contests are closed and the prizes awarded, you own the logos outright and can do anything you would like with them including combining them if you want.
Also, we're certainly allowed to do work for a contest holder after a contest is over as well.
So, I think to keep everything proper we would work on this once the two contests are closed.
At that point, doing the cross utilization is using work owned by you and is outside of Logo Tournament.

You'll have the EPS files for both designs after the contests are closed so I can either get the BT one from you or directly from Alina once that contest is closed. It's no trouble working it into the FOI lettering I've already done and working the stars into the BT lettering.

Thanks again,

14 years ago
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