Here are some of my proposals. Instead of creating a separate icon / typography combination, I've created an all encompassing logo / unit. One that can be used for additional elements just as branding stamps, watermarks, shirt badges/embroidery etc.
I've started in its simplest form, monotone ... I've always been a believer if it works in this, it will work in colour. And also shows that it can work for things like newspaper print etc.
The logos are 100% vector so will scale well to any size, and works well in full colour, B&W and on coloured backgrounds if needed,
It would be my pleasure to work up any variations so please do say. I look forward to your comments or thoughts.
Howdy Angus, Thank you for your entries. When we looked at all that have been presented to this moment, nothing caught our attention, except for your #19. That one just required a second look. No one here knows why, they just like the direction it is going. I have lovingly pushed them to provide more details as to what they like so you have a better idea as to what elements caught their eye. I hope to have this information later today for you. If you have any other plays on it, please feel free to do so. Warm Regards, Guy
Thanks for the feedback and comments, and glad you guys gage it a second look :) I look forward to everyones thoughts and comments.
Just tied up at the moment, getting our nursery sorted (wife is towards the end of the pregnancy with our first child), so will have a think about some variations and jump onto them asap.
#62. What are your thoughts on using this logo on an aged background/label for our bottle? I like it, worried that the scroll design may get lost. Thanks!
I think it would still work ... Although they are lines, they aren't super thin, so should still stand out. There are also techniques to make it stand out a bit more if the lines are too thin. But I have done logos with a similar style on those kind of backgrounds and they came out fine. I think its finding the right balance between the aged background and how the logo is situated on it.
Angus, We haven't offered any changes as we just can't come up with any. We tried to save any logos that had an element that we could work with. Yours has a lot. If we had to pick on it, it would be a fear of being perceived to feminin, but it is nice. It's there anything you would change if it were yours? Thank you
Thanks for the great comments, glad its ticking the boxes :) I hear what your saying on the feminine side of things ... I think from my side I was trying to balance the strength of the overall design (using a strong font) with luxury and highest quality you mentioned - which I represented by using and brining in with the scroll work.
What I've done is a few new options, trying different and more manly fonts;
#112, #113, #114, #115, #116, #117 and #118
And with #118 what I've tried is to simplify the line / scroll art.
Angus, Much appreciated, everyone will be looking today. The scroll work does offer a nice balance. Quite frankly, we have also spent much time in the liquor stores studying what is out there as we want to stand apart. Have a great day,Guy
Angus, We are trying to figure the color schemes if the logo is printed on an older paper and/or silk screened on a bottle. Some bottles will have clear spirits and some the dark amber common in bourbon and whiskey. I don't know at this stage if you can do any more color work, but comments would also be appreciated. Thanks, Guy
Just out at the moment, but have a number of Colour ideas to show you, as to how the logo will work on various items and colours. As the logo is a vector scalable file we can change the colors very easily!