Thanks Illumina. This isn;t far off but I've got a couple specific comments: I like how you darkened the red its too close to another similar company. Please no tagline (although what you chose would be totally appropriate IF I was using a tagline...). Please - no shark fin. Sharks are too scary. If you hire a shark - will it eventually bite you..?
again - I like in general but have some comments: on the colors - blue is favorit - green second - purple too close to FedEx. I really like the big round dot of the "I" - I thought that could be used later in the design but not sure how.
I'm not sure about the "m". I got it right away but not sure if it is easy enough to understand. The "k" is almost working -- I like how you used something like a regular carrot -- but it's not quite easy enough to understand. Not sure if the group of squares at the very end are adding anything.