Hello Don Gato. We apologize for the delayed response. We like entry #12 overall a lot, it looks very professional.
With entry #12 as the basis, we were wondering if you could incorporate the following:
- Use the colors in entry #6 (green background inside/blue trim outside) - Use the rooftop in entry #11 - Change the slogan to "The Smart Way to Las Vegas Real Estate" - The light and shadows are a nice touch, following that idea we'd like the logo to look more 3-dimensional
Thank you DonGato and we look forward to seeing your new work.
Hello Don Gato. We apologize for the delayed response. We like entry #12 overall a lot, it looks very professional.
With entry #12 as the basis, we were wondering if you could incorporate the following:
- Use the colors in entry #6 (green background inside/blue trim outside) - Use the rooftop in entry #11 - Change the slogan to "The Smart Way to Las Vegas Real Estate" - The light and shadows are a nice touch, following that idea we'd like the logo to look more 3-dimensional
Thank you DonGato and we look forward to seeing your new work.
Here you go, this one is much more refined. New roof, more legible font and the lines are all clean. Please let me know if need anything else. thanks, DonGato
Thank you DonGato, the last one (entry #14) looks great. We'd like to get a little separation between lines. In other words, more spacing between "Find Ya" - "Vegas" & "The Smart Way to Real Estate."
Since "Find Ya" is a big part of our name if possible please enlarge it as well as making the slogan a little bigger to make it more legible.
Thank you DonGato, looks like we have just what we were looking for with entry 16. Please center "Find Ya" so it's inside the box (see the letter "F") and keep the "A" in V-E-G-A-S inside the circle and that will do it.
We understand the logos are in EPS format, can you also provide it in AI (editable) format should we ever need to make changes, i.e. slogan or colors? Can you confirm what files will be provided per LT standards (JPEG, White Background, Colored Background, Black & White, Solid Colors, etc).
Hi, here's the revised logo per your request. Once you chose the winning design, I will upload an eps file which is an illustrator file that you can edit the colors. If you want to change the slogan down the road, I can supply the name of that font that was used. Per Logotournament rules you will get: Illustrator editable file, this file is on a transparent background so it can be placed anywhere, also scale as large as you need to. you will also get a .jpg file for using on the web. the .eps illustrator file is the one you want to use for printing. (hi resolution) If you have anymore questions. please let me know. Thank you so much. DonGato
Hello DonGato, we've seen some great entries but we still feel yours is the best. Just one last request before the contest ends: can you please center the slogan (it's a little to the left)? After the contest ends do we contact you directly?
Hello, thanks. Here's the revised logo you requested. To answer you question, once you choose the winner, the designer will upload final files, an illustrator file (this file is for hi resolution printing, and a jpg file, this one is for used online. If you are happy with the final files, accept them. If you have any question, please contact the Tyler or the administration at Logotournament, they will be more than happy to help you with the process. To send a Private message, just click on my avatar. Thanks, DonGato
Hello DonGato. We received the files but we cannot open the eps file because it's in a newer format than ours. Is it possible to add an eps file that's compatible with Illustrator CS2 or will it lose too much information?