Field Day, Inc.Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Field Day, Inc.

Field Day, Inc. has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 142 designs from 14 different designers from around the world.
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Can you put more black on the smaller boot.. the sole, the tab on the back.
And can you stretch that one just a little bit wider? A very small bit! But just enough to bulk it up a little.
14 years ago
Seems to me like the boot bottom is squished down a bit in the latest ones. #6 and #7 have better looks on that.

How about balancing out the two boots by making the smaller boot have the white sole, but a black pull tab on the back, and the top ring of the boot also black.. .just like the larger boot?

I also think the wording underneath is too stretched out. How about more like the lettering on #6, but underneath.
14 years ago
I appreciate all the work you're putting into this. Leaning more towards the simplicity of the styles like #49.
I was looking at our promotions catalogs yesterday.. the mugs I would like to order only take one color. So although we might do two colors on t-shirts, the simpler the better. I like the way you are leaving the treads white on the bottom of the boot. Seems more carefree.. not a "sinister" boot!
Like the font in #7.
We need the comma and period place properly. Field Day, Inc.
14 years ago
and I like the font on #59.

Hmm... looks like my last message didn't go through.
I like the black toe on #73. LOVE the "FD" thing on #68! Clever!
And I like the laces, and would like to see them a bit more bold.
14 years ago
I like #75 with the font of #74.
Liking the toe. It could be cleaned up a little bit.. smoother edge maybe.
And the laces.. tcan they be "squished" a little bit more so they have that overlapping look of thicker strings. Pull the top right hand corner of the strings down a little.

Thanks! I think the strings are really what that boot needs!
14 years ago
Like #82. But the laces are too busy and small. The way they did the laces in #84 has a great look.. simple, but obviously there.

And the "FD" on the little boot is still really fun.. can you make it easier to read?

Sometimes you have the large boot more upright, and sometimes it's more "squished". Like it when it's upright.
14 years ago
Okay... really like the font in #35. It's taller.
Any way to get a cross between your original brown color (which I love!) and this latest more green-brown? I'd like to see it.

You originally had black on the top ring of the boots, and I think this looks better. #35 is a great one! Love the way the brown showed a little bit on the bottom of the small boot, and in-between the rings of the big boot. If you can take that one, put the things you've added.. the lines down from the pull tabs, the "FD", the larger toe, the laces.. Please give it a go.
14 years ago
Gary suggests putting the "FD" on the back of that boot.
14 years ago
One more thing before I go to work...
I was just looking at our original sweat shirt, and I really like that font. Could you give us one with that font across the bottom like you've been doing... but NOT with "inc." smaller like it is on the shirt. Our computer calls that "Segoe Print".
Thanks again.
14 years ago
Looking at the designs with Gary tonight. We like the way #35 is colored... especially around the bottom of the smaller boot.

He thinks the pull tabs are a bit heavy, and would like to see them just outlined, rather than solid black.

We both think your "FD" should go where you originally placed it.. on the side, not on the back.

Anxious to see all this, and with that bold Segoe font.
thank you!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I have not forgot about the changes you want me to make and i will get them for you.a family emergency has come up with my daughter and i will get them to you it might be later tonght but i will get them to you thats a promise i have had alot of fun working with this design and i want to make sue you truly are happy with it even if i'm not the winner. i always give 100% to my work... i'm new to this logo tournament but i hope you can understand i will get it to you... sorry for the wait.jen
14 years ago
Sorry to hear about your emergency. I hope your daughter is okay.

Have a look at your #35. You have the top part of the boots done with the black just the way we like it. Two rings of black on the big one, and the smaller one has more black. Also.. you have a little bit of brown spilling out of the bottom of the design of the smaller boot. We like that too! The black sole is a bit softened by having that small bit of brown underneath it.

The laces are just too busy. I think one set of crossed laces would look better, pulled a little closer into the boot, and farther away from the toe. Either that, or lose the little eyelets going up the front of it. Just too much going on right there.

Thanks for taking the black off the pull tabs. Like that better.

I wonder about the horizon line going through the "d" of Field. I was liking that.. but it seems to me that it seems funny with this new font (which I think I really like the best.) What if it stopped just before it go to that "d".

You have worked really diligently at this, and I appreciate it. I know you're trying to get just what we want!
Thanks! Sandy
14 years ago
Also.. with this new font.. the boots aren't centered about it well. Make sure they get centered. Thanks!
14 years ago
Font looks good. Like the way you did the horizon line.
Somehow things are getting tall and skinny.. The sizing on shaping on #35 remains one of my favorites. Also on #35, you have that neat little spacing of brown in-between the black rings on the ankle. I keep it up there in the top favorites just because of the way you did the coloring. (Except for the pull tabs.. and I like them not being black.)

Thank you!!
14 years ago
And I like these laces in #111.
14 years ago
I think #122 is great.
There's just that great little line of brown in-between the two black ankle rings on the big boot in your #35 that I would like to see again.

I also think that this font looks better going straight across.. so maybe you can give both choices on that.

Tweak #122 to add the little bit of spacing between those ankle pieces.. then give us a font choice of straight across, or on that slight angle you've got. I do believe the horizon line shouldn't go through the letters.

Thank you!
14 years ago
From my public post:
August 17th, 2009, 3:13pmI've mentioned this before, and will give it one more go.
I'd like to see some of the latest updates, but with coloring similar to what tridoso did in #86 and Jen&mary in #35. Both ankle rings on the big boot are black, but there is the lighter color in-between them to set them apart.

Thanks again to all. I really truly appreciate those of you who have constantly worked to keep refining and defining what we like! It's been really fun and exciting for us!
14 years ago
Hi Jen,
Just want to say thank you for all the hard work on our boot logo. Gary was absolutely sold on the treads from "Brandmaster".

I wish you the very best. Hoping the ranking points will help boost you along in upcoming tournaments!

Thanks again,
Sandy Fields
14 years ago
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