I like the treatment of the F. Unfortunately the Feimster Blades name will be too small when this logo is on the knife and I like the font you chose the best out of all of the logos so far. Can you try this in a word mark logo but keep the F in the style that you created?
Oh. Got it. Can you add the business name and use the font that you had in logos #7 and #8. That is still my favorite font of any logo and would look good with the F icon that you created.
It's not so important that the icon or logo have a knife in it. The most important thing that chef's care about is the edge and how sharp it is. Our knives will be really sharp and high grade steel that will hold an edge.
#63. I like where you are going with this one, but it's a little hard to read. Especially if the logo gets too small like on our pairing knife. Any chance to add some space between the letter and make the F look more like an F?