We like the shield design and the white trim around the ribbons in #9 really makes it pop. The banner though is a bit boxy. I also would be interested in seeing the outer ring of the shield with a white ring between the orange and blue, similar to #4.
In addition to the changes mentioned above, we'd like to see the ball tweaked a bit. The tail in the top left should be the light blue color as it bends to the left and dark blue where it bends in the bottom right of the ball. Also, could you tapers the sky (light blue) in the middle of the ball like an hour glass? The would help make it more 3-dimensional since it's the back side of the ribbon and would be further away. Thanks!
We're putting something together for you for more feedback. Love what you've done with the logo so far. It's just a matter of fine tuning a few things. We'll send more shortly.
We like #73. The dark blue and orange look good. The lighter color needs to be sky blue. It looks turquoise and that's not part of our color scheme. We'd also like to see WASHINGTON instead of ACADEMY.
There are just a few more minor details and we'll send those to you later. Thank you.
Can you make the light source element only reflect on the ball and not the background/shield?
Can the ribbon that makes up the ball be tapered (slightly) so that it's narrower as it goes toward the outer edges and in the middle of the back side (light blue) to give it added dimension?
Just looking to see if we can get the ball to pop with a little more 3D and the light source only affecting the ball. Thanks!
Alright, narrowing the ribbon in the ball isn't as easy as I thought it might be. Also, I should have talked with my partners before having you remove the light source from the background. We actually like the way the light source broke up the background into quadrants. We want that back but stopping before hitting the right and left edge of the shield (just before the orange boarder. It's fine with the reflection on the top of the shield like you had in #74. Just didn't look right on the sides.
I still think the ribbon making up the ball could use some fine tuning so that the tapered transitions are smoother. If it just can't be done we'll have to stick with the way you have it in #74.
By the way, there are two of us commenting on this so sorry if we seem a bit crazy.
Forget what I said about the ribbon in the ball. The more I look at it the changes you made have the effect I was looking for.
Something else though, I would like to see the colors at the top left of the ball (where the ribbon bends back to the left in light blue (just that small part that bends left. Then, in the opposite corner (bottom right) make that the dark blue as it bends left. Just want to see how that would look. Thank you!
Love how the ball is looking. Just need my partners to look at it and approve. Can we do some tapering with the orange part of the ribbon too? Another small thing we noticed was that the banner at the bottom is closer to the right side of the shield and more space in between on the left by just a pixel or two. Can we center that up a bit? This is really looking good!
Yes, and we're even on Pacific time zone. No worries. That just give us time to come up with a few more.
*Move the banner up so that the space between the banner and the ball is the same as the space between the ball and orange boarder at the top. This will allow a bit of the orange boarder to show at the bottom.
*Change the orange to more like #62. Not as cartoonish, but similar in hue.
*How about stars, instead of bullets, on either side of WASHINGTON.
That's about it for now. Have a good night's sleep!
We're getting very close. Like to see the orange closer to this example http://www.denverbroncos.com with the light source on it like in #76.
Also, is there enough room to have the banner look like you did in #72 where it curls back behind the banner a bit and the shield shows a little more at the bottom? See how the orange is showing at the bottom on #72.
Can you change the 2 bullets on the banner to stars? Thank you.