We like the colors and the composition, but we are interested in an original, custom font - see updated brief under : Our Ideas and Additional Information. Also try a version with the fava pod is partially open and a couple of beans are showing. Also try an abstract version.
customized typeface, incorporating teh fava been directly into the company name...I've reduced the colour because in my opinnion the original fava been is too realistic
RE: #22 - this is interesting, we like it. maybe all of the "v" needs to be red and the color transition happens in the horizontal connector between the pod and the v. RE: #3 - we still think it is very strong, try the less realistic fava bean from #22 with this one and see if the type can be customized a little
RE: #62 - this is very creative! we like it but it's hard to read. and to us, the "F", or the font in general, leaning backwards suggests unassertiveness - we wanna avoid that. we also want clarity. see what you can do
Thank you for submission #73. We like the color scheme and the design ideas, but none of the fonts are working for us. We are looking for something simple and clean.
Excellent. We love submission #93. The fava bean needs a little work. Please look at the following links as a reference to the shape. We would like line art rather than a realistic-looking image - show the mouth. And please do something to make it look less like a fetus.
RE: #118 - these are the colors we like. can you try moving the bean to the side of fava so it in the location where a period would normally go? we wanna see how that would look like.
Update as request, Fava bean to he left and flush to text base line. Bean is reduce in size a small amount and a wee b it of detail added to give the illusion of depth
Update as request, Fava bean to the left and flush to text base line. Bean is reduce in size a small amount and a wee bit of detail added to give the illusion of depth
Original Fava bean to the left and flush to text base line. Bean is reduce in size a small amount and a wee b it of detail added to give the illusion of depth
with outline..the outline can be applied to any of the designs submitted so there is no need for me to re-uploaded the other style variations...unless you want to see a specific design outlined
Please make both of the following updates to entries #102 & #187:
i.) Replace the bean with the one in entry #198 (minus the bread), but rather than black or white for the mouth, please use the darkest color from the lettering. ii.) Use the exact color gradient for the font as was originally used in entry #93.
that was good but maybe our wording wasn't clear so we'll try again_ we'd like to see two new entries: entry 1- start with #102. regarding the bean: we like the exact size, location and orientation of the bean there, we just wanted the updated bean look. regarding the word fava: use the exact #93 color/gradient (you didn't lost it did you?) :-)
entry 2- start with #187. regarding the bean: we like the exact size, location and orientation of the bean there, we just wanted the updated bean look. regarding the word fava: use the exact #93 color/gradient.
we also like the outline in #193 very much, can you apply it to entries described above as an alternative? (this makes a total of 4 new entries- two without outline and two with outline)
thank you very much for being patient and responsive!
One concern that the gradient for number #93 is incorrect..if you look closely the letter "F" is lighter near the bottom than the rest of the letters this will look out of place for large signage. so in these 4 new revision the gradient has been correct to match gradient of the remaining letters...