Fat Free ArtLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Fat Free Art
Fat Free Art has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 53 designs
from 13 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Buys, Sells & Curates Street Art for individuals and institutions online.
Color Preferences
Feel Free To Chose Your Own Colors
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I would like to tie in the word art in the logo by manipulating the A in Fat the R in free and the T in art
or the A in art R in free and the T in fat. I would like to tie in a decadent food into the logo such as ice cream or pizza or chocolate. I want the logo to double as a sticker that can be put all around urban cities to promote the gallery through a gorilla marketing campaign.
or the A in art R in free and the T in fat. I would like to tie in a decadent food into the logo such as ice cream or pizza or chocolate. I want the logo to double as a sticker that can be put all around urban cities to promote the gallery through a gorilla marketing campaign.