Fat DoxieLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Fat Doxie

Fat Doxie has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 68 designs from 9 different designers from around the world.












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Logo Designer
#17 Hi, I am looking forward to your feedback...thanks so much.. Peg
11 years ago
Hello Peg! Welcome aboard! Thank you so much for your entry!

I've been looking through your designs and I must say I am very impressed. You have a very unique style! Here are a few comments with regard to entry #17:

As we wrote in the brief, the dog needs to be at least pleasingly plump. :) Otherwise, the word fat gets read as phat which is an entirely different market. ;) We don't want him too fat, but plump dachshunds are cute and that's what we are going for.

We are looking for fonts that are a clean read, and I'm not sure what's up with the ones used in #17 whether it's the color or the typefaces, but they are a bit hard on the eye. Also, it is essential that the dog interact in some way with the words. I say essential, of course, unless it's not essential. An image that is so striking that it's fine on its own doesn't need that requirement - you know how that goes.

Also, we're looking for color. Don't be shy. If it's too much, it's easy enough to dropper in something different and we know that!

Let me know if you have any questions. We love to collaborate!

11 years ago
Hello Peg!

General comments apply both to entries #21 and #22:

Let's try to mixup the colors and not stay within the same family - orange, tan and cream all blen in together. Normally, this is good, but we are going for more contrast. The purple is a nice touch, but somehow it's lost. The idea of the bow tie is excellent. Maybe a brighter shade or a different color?

With regard to the dog's expression, he's reading a bit "stoned." There is a fine line between smug/cool and stoned. We're not sure what side of the line he's on right now. :) We need to be sure. ;) Perhaps if he's facing us? That may get rid of the "into space" look.

The "ruffles" on the body are a nice idea, but they are reading as fat rolls. If that's the intent, not appealing. If it's not the intent, I'm not sure the right message is being communicated.

Font wise, the font is acceptable but not specatcular. Perhaps a color change would help?

Last, love the length of the ear, but not length of the snout (or maybe the shape). We're not sure if it's too pointy or too long, but believe something is off. The green eyes are a nice touch!

Thank you for the entries!


11 years ago
#33 -- REALLY like the use of various colors on "Doxie" and enjoy that the dog is playing with the "O." Not sure about the bleed out on "FAT" as it makes the word difficult to read - pt. size is also problematic. How about a black bow tie? Or a red one? Snout is better, but still a bit odd. Dog does not look happy. Unsure as to what his disposition is.
11 years ago
#38 - Very Very Very nice. May we see some variations on this? Go wild.
11 years ago
With #45 in mind, may we see "Fat" switched to the other side so that it does not interfere with the "i" with the head adjusting for the side switch? If done, can you please post a b/w as well?
11 years ago
Love #52, but is there a rendering problem with the leg between the "i" and the "e"? It looks a bit odd.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#55 Hi, I think I have fixed the problem with the leg...thanks so much. Peg
11 years ago
#55, It's better, but in fixing the gap, now the letters are tighter on the right than they are on the left. I'm sorry to be such a nit, but I'm really trying to get these things in the best shape possible for the focus group. :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#56 Hi, I have tightened up the Letters...Thanks so much.. Peg
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#68 Hi, Here is a new entry...Thanks so much.. Peg
11 years ago
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