Hi Geoff. Thanks for the invite to participate again. This time I created a suggestive and interesting icon that can that can stand alone as an app button and/or favicon, since your primary medium will be on-line. It does, however lend itself very well to print, being both clean and economical. It can be used in a variety of colourways and at any size. As always, your feedback will be a great help.
As the new name of the site is fashionfile I no longer need a fashion slogan. As a result we can really focus on the words and create something really amazing. The reason why your vamure logo won was because it jumped off the page, had a fresh look and a subtle point of different. I'm looking for the exact same thing in this tournament. Clearly i'm not looking for the same design but I am looking for some flare and something different that will really campture the users eye. So far none of the fonts have much depth. I would like this logo to pop like your previous one.
I like how you have mixed upercase with lowercase and I like your creativity. If you could bring the word 'fashionfile' into focus more and create an elegent design with a hint of wow factor this would be great!
The logo is going make it's strongest impression on the homepage of my website. That is also where it is going to appear the most. Whilst I may use the favicon you have created, on the homepage only the word 'fashionfile' will appear. This is to keep it looking elegant and have a stronger impression. For this reason I really need to see how you expect 'fashionfile' to stand alone.
I like how you have used lowercase and upper case. If you cold provide me with a few different designs just using the word 'fashionfile' this would be great. You are full of creativeness and I think you can create something amazing using the words.
I also like the thought of having the image of a file possibly in design somewhere.
If you have the time to put a few designs together i would really appreciate it.
#152 - I really like this design. Just a couple of changes please. At this stage I'm not going to have this logo trademarked so could you please remove the 'r' in the circle. Also could you please remove the line under the word.
#151 - Can you please remove the 'r' and the green circle in the 'o'.
I'm not sure if I like how the bottom line of the 'E' is longer but I would like to see these changes first before deciding on that.
#164 and #165 - Is there any difference between these logo's?
Could you please do me a favor and close the border of the file around the word 'file'. If you could supply me with a logo version of just the border around the word and another version with the file image coloured in green.
This change only needs to be applied to #164/#165. It would be great to see how this looks.
I really like all of your designs. You are very creative! What I like most about your work is your ability to give words depth. The fonts you use really highlight the words and make them stand out.
My biggest concern with most of the designs (and yours) is that the word 'file' seems to be standing out over 'fashion'. I need this to be the other way around. I need 'fashion' to be the main word with 'file' not as bold and dominant.
Can you have a brainstorm and see if you can work out a way for 'file' to support 'fashion' while still keeping the logo looking fresh, modern and classy.
Please feel free to update your current logo's based on this as well creating something fresh and new if you think of something.
Also, could you show me how it would look if you used the same font that you have used on 'vamure' and 'fashion' and applied it to the whole word 'fashionfile'. Obviously if you did this i would still need you to give it that touch of something else in order to make it amazing. I just really liked what you did with the 'vamure' logo and so I'm wondering whether something like this would also work for 'fashionfile'.
Hi Geoff, Actually, you've zeroed in on my favorite (#165). It has the flow, rhythm, and essential simplicity I prefer. Also, there is a bit of contrast between the two words 'fashion' and 'file' - the former being elegant and suggestive of the market and the later being a bit more linear/file folder-like - suggestive of your site's functionality. Contrast helps the viewer (consciously or unconsciously) to focus on each element individually and consider the meaning behind each. Having said that, I'll experiment a bit with a lighter font for 'FILE' and post some variations this evening. Stay tuned...:)
#165 and #207 both look great. Could you please supply them both on a dark grey background so I can see how they would look on parts of the site. Please refer to http://jtbstudios.com/vamure/ to see the background the logo will appear on.
this one is again the thinner weight but spaced out ever so slightly and shown at a size closer to the size it will be on screen (though not the same proportion to patterned background that you have on your landing page, since I don't have that).