Congratulation on the top design #241. We are going to review tomorrow and get back to you with with some changes. Just so you can be thinking about it. Some of the changes we are thinking about are: 1. using a darker gray 2. the line between the FC and Farmhouse and Cottage to be gray 3. the slogan to be gray except for the word beautiful, that will be in green 4. the FC just a bit bolder 5. the green a bit darker Are there any changes you think will make this better?
Hi Again, It looks like #252 Is still number one, But several people have said they do not like the "R" in the word farmhouse because it make the space between the "R" and the "M" different from all the rest. So that it looks like FAR MHOUSE. Is there a font very similar to this one that doesn't have a "R" like that. Or can you replace just the "R" with a similar one?