What We Do
It's a Pharmacy, in the centre of a 10k citizens city near Venice, Italy. we are open since 1972. The first aim is to give the idea of an elegant, dynamic brand, low profile, simple but attractive. Second aim: to give the idea of "we look after, we care, we take care of you, we protect you, we understand your situation, we have been doing it for 50 years", as our clients are patients. they spend in medicines but also in cosmetics, so the idea to be as professional as glamour. Third aim: put either the initials "F P" or "Farmacia Alla Provvidenza" under the logo. The logo has to be simple, refined, not with too many elements. Colours: mostly green and gold, white background, with squared/round frame to contain the logo.
Color Preferences
1) The background color can’t be black, but:
- emerald green (inspired to Rolex Green), similar to logo #481 (a bit lighter if possible)
- white
- very light grey in alternative to white
2) The gold Color of the inside logo, we like the #538, #79, #433, #440
3) The color of the cross: should be in a brighter green than the background. for exemple #481, #295, #422, #611, #582, #96. The colors of the background, the cross and the letters must match well each other.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
1) The shape of the cross: we like the shape of #81, #556, #291, #295, #275
we like the theme –alla– as in the logo #79 and #52
the nuance of the write like the #433, highlighted in the centre of the write
we are really undecided on the write FP, #291, #275, #433. We want a logo more focused on the Pharmacy theme, not to much like “a florence logo” such as the #275. It must be simple but attractive.
The font should be elegant but simple and dynamic.
3) The external frame: we like the idea of “embracement” as in the logo #557 and #422 . It can be also squared frame, not necessarily round and must be alluded, not too stressed.
- it would be very appreciated to find a place to insert the write “dal 1972” (which means “since 1972”) #384
- it would be a plus to have a recall to our Pharmacist logo, the “caduceus”, as in the logos #436 and #440, but has to be a detail, not so big. It hasn’t to steal the scene to the logo.