Farm of the DayLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Farm of the Day

Farm of the Day has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 48 designs from 10 different designers from around the world.


Prefers others.
Prefers others.


As posted in our profile, the outline of Lexington just isn't a good idea (that's our fault, sorry for leading you astray). The wheat tops you used along the sides are a good idea (we like having some icon in that position) however we fear they will be hard to print and hard to stamp as they are complex and made of small lines, so please use a more simple icon or symbol instead. We do like the font and the use of all capital letters. We like the centerpiece, but could you try the following small adjustment? Our business will be using brown paper bags as packaging. Instead of piles of food, could you have food sticking out of the tops of paper bags. This would make the logo fit our planned marketing better. Finally, we are not against having a piece of the logo extend beyond the edge of the outer circle, but we don't especially like just the one line poking out. Could you tweek that shape in some way to make the profile more appealing? Good working with you so far. Thanks!
9 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, will revise the logo now. Best regard "Titus"
9 years ago
Start submit revision at #9. Is it work ? Please do not hesitate to ask any other revision needed. My satisfaction is a happy client
9 years ago
This is really good. We like it a lot and would like to work with you as one of our final designers. We do have a few comments to make this look more what we want. 1: we like that the handle of the bag looks like a smile, but could you make the handle look more like an actual paper bag handle? We think the handles will look more like this but we do like how it makes a smiley face if you could just change what the handle looks like a little bit to match those bags. 2: we like having a background like the yellow but we don't like the pattern. Could you please try a different pattern or maybe just a solid color? 3: We like that you changed the wheat on the sides to a more simple icon but we would like to see something else, maybe like a beet or a carrot. We would really appreciate if you could please work on these changes. We really like you style and hope that we can make this idea work.
9 years ago
thanks for the appreciation. will work for revision. please wait for a moment. yes it is a smile :)
9 years ago
Great! One more thing I just thought of. Could you change the fruit coming out of the bag a little. We like the tops of carrots but the pile of oranges looks a it strange. Maybe use the tops of a couple other vegetables instead? Thanks for responding so quickly.
9 years ago
Already submit revision at #30, hope this work :)
9 years ago
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