We like the direction this is going. We like the sun rising over the hills theme, and the blue sky is a really nice touch. We have a few issues, the first is that the pin has a little too much going on, perhaps you could make the pin made up of the sun and blue sky and have it resting on the green hills. Our second issue is that "Farm" is a little too emphasized. If you could even out the emphasis in the name of the company that would be great. We very much look forward to seeing what else you can show us.
Thank you. So for the suggested changes other than adjusting the text, you'd just like to see a version with the green hills simplified? Either a single hill or just decrease the number?
We'd like to see the hills taken outside of the pin itself, as if the pin is pointing to the hills. Basically, we really like your style, but as it is the design has a bit too much going on on the pin itself. Also, if you could find a way to emphasize how local our product is, maybe put the pin on a map of Kentucky pointing at the location of Lexington. I'm essentially brainstorming here, we like your style, and we would like to see more, but we don't have as specific of feedback as I would like.