FantasyFeud.comLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 131 designs from 14 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by NancyCarterDesign Return to Contest Return to Contest 1st #127 4th #131 5th #120 6th #122 7th #126 8th #96 New #88 New #98 New #82 New #53 New #48 New #47 New #45 New #87 New #121 New #130 New #129 New #128 Withdrawn New #95 New #94 New #91 New #89 Withdrawn New #46 Prefers others. #125 Prefers others. #92 Prefers others. #90 Prefers others. #83 Prefers others. #81 Prefers others. #79 Discussion Justin Y Shulman Client #45-really like the design. my suggestions would be to include hockey as a fourth trophy so that I have the four major sports. I also dont want it on the green background. And I need a font that is a little sharper and stands out. 14 years ago Justin Y Shulman Client #53-love the logo. would like to see the fantasy feud in a slicker font. maybe black and red? Just to see it. 14 years ago Justin Y Shulman Client #53-what about having dollar bills pouring out of the trophy 14 years ago Justin Y Shulman Client #53 or the puck cracking the trophy and money spilling out from the top. just ideas. 14 years ago Justin Y Shulman Client #79-spelling is incorrect. Please amend to read Fantasy Feud 14 years ago Justin Y Shulman Client cant tell the difference between 89 and 91 14 years ago NancyCarterDesign Logo Designer The Fs in the puck - one they are facing each other, the other they are back to back. 14 years ago Justin Y Shulman Client I didnt even notice. Lets make them in red. With them back to back.And then for fantasy feud do it the same way. first F facing the other way.for the shadown behind the F's-can we make it black or something?? can hardly see the emphasis 14 years ago Justin Y Shulman Client #94 is the one to work with 14 years ago Justin Y Shulman Client Lets put the logo in red on the pucks for #96 14 years ago Justin Y Shulman Client #90-lets put the red in the pucks. Lets also write feud in red or .com just for some contrast 14 years ago NancyCarterDesign Logo Designer :)(This comment references Entry #127) 14 years ago