FantasyFeud.comLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 131 designs from 14 different designers from around the world.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Hi Justin,
Here's a first stab at the Logo... I'm battling to incorporate "sporty" aspects in without going to cheesy... so I started with the FF - using the shield to give the atmosphere of competition...
looking forward to your feedback!

(This comment references Entry #77)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I then thought about sport figurines - not sure I'm too happy with this execution - I'm thinking about working on more streamlined figurines... should I explore it further?

(This comment references Entry #78)
14 years ago
We like #77 much better. However you have spelled our name incorrectly. It is FEUD as opposed to FUED. We need that logo to have a little more pop so I would focus your attention there.

I was kind of lost with your direction in #78,
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Justin,

So sorry... must have been my tired eyes :) Will fix Feud!
... mmm... about the "pop" - care to elaborate a bit?
Are there specific colours that you feel drawn to? What about imagery? Any other Logo's from other tournaments that really jumped out??? if so - why?

in #78 - I was thinking along the lines of outlines of people doing sports - the one I did earlier was not my best execution - it's what I call: "abstract gone wrong" ;) but in terms of concept - is it something you'd like me to look into... what I'm thinking is something like on the home page of logo tournament (where they have a whole lot outlines of people) although in ours it will be sports people... my hubby thought it might be a bit busy in terms of concept! I've been trying to wrack my brain in terms of something that will symbolise a variety of sports - but not something that is too common... must be honest, I'm drawing a bit of a blank!

Will keep applying my mind to it though!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Justin,

It's the weirdest thing - I had submitted two more logo's but they didn't come through... they were similar to #77 - just spelt better :) and i'd used a bit of colour...

Sorry... but now that the contest is ended - I can't resubmit... good luck!
14 years ago
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