Thanks for participating. I really like your initial concepts and your overall portfolio.
Would love to see some more variations. Perhaps more modern fonts like your pitchsong submission-- though I realize that might change how suitable the "e"'s are to be modified.
As for enhancements, I would love to see some dynamic elements added to this. For instance, some sense of the heads speaking/chirping to one another.
And in further directions:
* making the heads more human like (perhaps as profiles). And dong so in such a way that they can be adorned with different hats like baseball hats, football helmets, top hats, etc. for occasional enhancements the way google dresses up it's logo for holidays (wouldn't necessarily expect all these enhancements to be provided in the scope of this contest per se, but would nice if it could be shown that were possible).
* and/or making the "e"'s into icons representing movies (head-on view of film projector), sports (baseballs, basketballs, etc.), television (eye glasses?), etc.
The detail in the new takes is too small to be discernible and too complex for a logo. Can you develop the the sound/echo symbols (the curv sonar-like lines) a bit more without making the bird faces any more complex. For example, have the sound symbols emit from one of the faces and/or a letter as a fading line graph. And/or in another way that strikes you as interesting and evocative and a prediction, yet simple.
Still too small/detailed. Can you do something with the echo symbols after the logotype the way you placed something before the logotype with your original #10. Thanks.
#72 This chick head is beginning to look like it could serve as an 'e'. And even the upper part of a 'p'. Perhaps four of them in a row, as the p-e-e-p, in the same color, or 4 separate colors, could represent the "people" meaning of the word peeps (the original contest detail describes the pun in the name-- peeps stands for people AND short, twitter-like communication).
#38 just realizes this submission was in response to an earlier suggestion of mine that "e's" be able to represent different types of athletes. Adding detail to the chick heads that emerge from the "e" doesn't work (as I previously describved-- just too small), but dressing up the whole letter e by placing the hat on top of the letter, might work. Baseball hat, football helmet, top hat (representing entertainer), etc.
Let's push this one further. Again I'm concerned about fine detail-- logo's generally need to be simple. I think it is possible that varying the letter colors and/or orientation they way you have started to do, with fewer number of chick heads (maybe only one or two), may be the way to go.
Do you agree with my point about minimizing the fine detail?
Hope you'll find the time to do more with this direction!