Ok. We just moved you up to #1, and we'd like to explore some ideas with you. We really like the font and style of the "fanforce", but we're not big fans of the logo mark to the left of the word. Could you capitalize the first "F" in Fanforce and turn it into a word mark? Our slogan is going to be "Turning your fan list into a fanforce." The mark needs to signify movement and action. Maybe some creative work around the first "F" (maybe a unique way to apply speed lines, or other ideas you have)? And it would be great if the mark were designed in such a way where we could sometimes drop the "anforce" and just use the F.
Here is the revision as you suggested: #196 with changed slogan #197 with capital letter "F" #198 with underlined "fanforce" in the slogan. #199 and #201 with speed lines that shows movement #200 an icon for the latter "F" Hope you like it and if you have any suggestions please feel free to let me know.
Sorry for the delay in responding. We really like #202 would like to select you as the winner, but first we'd like to explore a few more revisions to it...
1) The "F"s feel a little odd right now. I think it is because the first one is supposed to be a capital F but the lower line is lower than the one on the lowercase f. That throws off the word and is confusing as to which one is the capital F. Can you work on some modifications to ensure the first F looks uppercase vs the lowercased f?
2) We'd like to see what it would look like with the speed lines in blue (but keep Fan as silver). I think that might pull the blue across the entire word and feel really good.
Also, one more thing: we really like the idea of using the uppercase F by itself like you did with #200, but we don't like how #200 feels. I'm not sure if it the F going off the circle, the 3D circle, or that it is in a circle. Do you have some other ideas for how we might use it?
Here is the update as you suggested: #204 and #205 is where the middle line of the lowercase and uppercase letter "F" is in same line. Also there are changes in the uppercase "F" #207 and #209 is where the middle lines are centered and there are also small modifications in the both letters. #208 and #210 here i made the letters in italic style #206 and #211 are only letter "F" how it can stand on its own. #212 the speed lines starting from the small "f" and go trough the whole word "Fan"
Hope you like the changes and if you have other suggestions please feel free to let me know
We like #205 and #206. Can you show us a logo where the line on the lowercase f is moved down a little so that it is centered vertically with the speed lines instead of aligned to the top? Also, what do you think about applying the glass look to the Fan like it is applied to force?
Thanks! We're down to the nitty picky details now :(
Here is the update: #213 #214 #215 and #222 is where the middle lines centered. #217 #218 #219 #220 the lines are the same high and centered. #221 the uppercase "F"
If there is anything else that you want me to change feel free to let me know
Thanks so much. We love #214, #215, and #222. The last issue we're wrestling with is that some of the team thinks the uppercase "F", when shown by itself, is connected too closely to facebook. Any ideas on how to change this? Could we use two FFs? What if there were smaller speed lines after the lowercase "f" in the word and both FF's were used in the logo mark?
I just made a closer look between the facebook "F" and the #206. Have to say that there are couple of major differences.
First the facebook "F" is a lowercase and in #206 is uppercase. They are very different in overall, the space between the upper line and middle line is different, the middle line is rounded by the letter "A" shape and the upper line have one rounded angle.
And the biggest and most important difference is the speed lines that make the "F" very unique from any other "f"
I am working on the revision as you suggested and will submit them as soon as I they are ready.
Yes, I completely agree with your assessment of the differences between our Facebook's F and #206 when placed side by side. The difficulty is that Facebook has done such a good job with their branding that most people associate "F" with Facebook, especially in the social space (which we are in), so that's why were wanted to see if there was a way to use two FF but keep the same style that you have in #206 (which we love).
I have made couple of possibilities of combining the "F's" to create the icon for your company. Hope you like them and if you have any suggestions or require additional modifications please feel free to let me know
Congrats! We selected you as the winner. Thanks so much for your flexibility and prompt response to our requests for so many revisions! It was a pleasure working with you. We're excited to get the Illustrator files.
We'd also love your contact info as we may have some follow-up project that we could use your help with.