We like the colors in this design. We need our design to emphasize both words equally or emphasize the "F" and "T" equally but overall the "look" of this is nice.
In looking at your profile, we really like the design you did for John Durrett Photograpy. We'd love to see something with a similar feel (except on white background) if you're willing to do that.
We really like #108. Thank you for designing for us and making the changes. Could we try one more change, please? We would like "Transitions" to be a bit larger and more visible. It doesn't have to be as big as "Family" but slightly larger than it is now. Maybe more bold(?) We just feel like "Transitions" is getting lost a bit.
We are having a meeting with our whole company tomorrow to show them the top five designs and we are going to have everyone vote to pick the winner. I'd like this one to look as good as possible so people will vote for it. We'll let you know after the vote if your design is chosen. Thank you!
We really like #108. Thank you for designing for us and making the changes. Could we try one more change, please? We would like "Transitions" to be a bit larger and more visible. It doesn't have to be as big as "Family" but slightly larger than it is now. Maybe more bold(?) We just feel like "Transitions" is getting lost a bit.
We are having a meeting with our whole company tomorrow to show them the top five designs and we are going to have everyone vote to pick the winner. I'd like this one to look as good as possible so people will vote for it. We'll let you know after the vote if your design is chosen. Thank you!