Okay - with more submissions coming in our client is liking the white space fingers more and more. They would like to see a little more definition in the silhouette outlines of the thumbs. i.e. where the pad of the thumb meets the next joint and forms a slight crease in the thumbs. That edge of the thumb silhouette being more defined.
Also they would like to see the foot being more narrow - and somewhat more stylized. (somewhat more like the profile of the foot in entry #10 or #29.
Toes more elongated (vertically). And they would like to see some different typography for the company name.
If you took the toes from #29, and the narrower profile/outline foot from #10 or #25. It needs to be more narrow foot, with the thumb silhouettes from #17.
If you took the longer toes from #29, and the narrower foot outline from #10 or #25. It needs to be more narrow foot, with the thumb silhouettes from #17.
K, the white thumb profile from #39 is great - the silhouette definition is much better.
I also like the wave profile in the ball of the foot, and the toes are much better than in the #17 example.
I'd like to see the second white space thumb (the thumb on the left in #17) brought back to the left side of the foot - and the same definition in the silhouette given to it.
The Foot icons in #43 and #39 are looking the best. (with the left white space thumb brought back in from #17) I'd like to see both foot-icons with the two white thumb treatment.
If we select your design as winner will we be able to have you change it to finalize it? I was out of town and didn't have access to give instructions for the final changes. I received final feedback from my client, and I think I have most of the last changes ready to implement.
Like the typography & logo foot-icon placement in #39 Like the outside profile / silhouette of the foot in #48 Both thumbs look pretty good in #48, though the left thumb could extend into the foot just a little (few pixels), and be tilted - rotated clockwise a couple pixels.
They would like to see this foot, but a couple versions - one with the circular rings from #17, and one with the same #17 rings but oval rings instead of circular. (oval horizontal) And the color inside the foot being the shade, or reddish hue, from the font color "Family Foot" in #17 or #39
K, they are liking #50 - would like to see the rings closer together toward the center ring, and further apart as it goes out (like a water ripple.)
They like the vertical view of the left thumb, but would like to see that left thumb a little more defined.
Also - bring the left side of the foot outline angled in above the thumb a little. It's a little out too far making the foot slightly too wide at that point / in that area.
#53 & #54 circle spacing is too close together. It needs to be like #52, starting in the center ball of the foot under the right thumb, and then toward the heel the spacing should get just a little wider between circles... Like if you dropped a pebble in a pool of water. The spacing on the rings of water would be closer to the center where the pebble was dropped, and gradually get wider spacing between rings.
Whichever direction they choose to go for the final logo they'd like to use the right white thumb from #50 (they like the profile better)
We'll be choosing you as the winner - and I'd like to know that we can do the final tweaks after completing the contest - as I'll be moving all day tomorrow and Saturday and won't be available until after the weekend to close up the design and files.
Is this okay with you?
We might have some future work for you after this contest, so I hope those arrangements work for final delivery.