I do really like #1 however im unsure about the arrow being filled in black, its quite masculine The person who designed it has not responded to my tips so thought id let you know incase you would like to have a try? Perhaps just an outline or even a little detail?
Thank you, but once a designer enters a specific layout/concept like this one it is protected. All I can do is change the position of the arrow in the layout like I was trying to do in other entries.
I appreciate you getting with me, since most of use have other work it is possible that this designer hasn't been able to log on...if it goes for a long period you can always contact Ivan at Admin for help
I will work on the scripts or font and changing to black color for you in the morning similar to #66 and #67
Thank you! Hope you are having a restful weekend, Teresa
Here are some variations for you...I modified the lines on your name to be more legible. If you want me to go back to #66 and only tweak the lines a little and keep the overall style I can do that.
I will check back later for your response, Thank you! Teresa
I just noticed even though the arrow is not part of the letter 'F' to be different in arrangement I need to have the arrow be directly off the 'As' as a separate design from the one you have in 1st
I can pull the arrow back all the way to the E if it hasn't been used as well if you like, but since I already had it cutting through your name and you didn't rank those I think it isn't an option.
Let me know what you think...I can make the gray arrow tip and feather black on #95 if you like this arrangement. Also any portion of the script can be altered or changed back to the original. I modified it since you were concerned that it would be legible.
Fantastic- all you have done are so great, it's very hard to choose a favourite! I am leaning toward the script but I'll continue to look and make sure!
Love #66 and #93- Like the placement of everything (arrow etc) in 66 but the script is easier to read in 93 and perhaps the font could be a little bolder so it will stand out?
Thank you! I forgot to tell you this morning that I have art sessions all day on Tues. But I'm back and will work on these versions for you and have them this evening....your morning...
I combined the two you like as you noted... Here are 4 different thicknesses in the lines. Also if you look at #154's arrow head the corners are sharper that the others...which one do you prefer?
I will be on for a few hours and will watch for your notes.
I guess it is about 8 am there??...It is 4:30pm here.
Here is this versions for you. This has the arrow shaft line up with the baseline of the end of the 'n', that is what I was thinking but didn't send it before.
I will be away for a few hours but will check back with you when I return.
I noticed you logged in a few hours ago...is everything okay on the files, if so, are you able to approve them? If you are having any problems please let me or Admin know.
I sent you a few emails to this address that is on your LT contract.... appletreeboutique@live.com.au is this correct?