Hi there, thanks so much for your submissions. To be honest, when we saw the first set (#63 and #64) we did not like them very much. The two small "ink blotches" seemed distracting, and in general we felt that the graphic logo did not express any concrete feelings or ideas. We're certainly looking for abstract logos, but ones that convey the message that we are a serious, modern business.
We decided to try #63 with our website, and to our surprise it actually looks quite nice. The style fits well with our existing layout. And with #94 and especially #95, you've given us two great alternatives for printed items, too.
We are very interested in seeing if you can come up with some variations on #63 which would maintain the good cohesion with our web site while giving some more concrete direction to the abstract logo. Curves are good; now, what can you SAY with these curves? We're looking forward to seeing the answer. Thank you!