So far #186 and #219 are our favorites. We have a few comments:
#186: 1) The slogan is difficult to read when it is blue; please make it white. 2) The paper airplane is a cute idea but we need a less childish, more professional and edgy idea. 3) Can we see different alignment options for the slogan?
#219: 1) The graphic needs to be to the left of the text, so that it fits in the top left portion of the web page, along the same level as the navigation bar. 2) The slogan may be difficult to read. Can you make it larger?
Please also continue to send different variations of these two designs, along with any other new ideas you may have. Thank you!
#267 ignores the 2nd point we mentioned (for #186) in the above comment: We are NOT looking for a paper airplane to represent us.
We are keeping this logo ranked because the rest of it looks nice on our site, but we need the airplane changed to something else if there's any chance that we'll continue with this logo.
By "less childish, more professional and edgy" we did not mean paper airplanes or sparkling stars or pictures of a pegasus. You are a talented artist, but these are NOT at all the images that we are looking for. We are a SERIOUS business. All of your recent entries (#274, #275, #276, #277, #291, #292, #293, #294) look like they could represent a children's storybook. Again, these logos are well-designed, and you would certainly be able to use them in other venus, but they are completely inappropriate for our line of work. We have no choice but to scrap all of them.
Please think about the type of clients we are really trying to attract: Business owners and executives in charge of million-dollar corporations. They need to see that we are a professional company that can deliver results. What can you show us that demonstrates this? We need the airplane in #267 replaced if it is to continue being in the lineup. Thank you.
Thank you for continuing to try new ideas. However, we are looking for more refinement and elegance in our design. Try new fonts and new text stylings. Avoid literal images (birds, boats, etc) and try for a really powerful, unique, maybe "3-dimensional" abstract image.